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 airbag light

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joey d
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PostSubject: airbag light    airbag light  I_icon_minitimeOctober 11th 2013, 7:20 pm

Airbag light goes on about 5 minutes after I start driving. Is there a bad sensor, or can I just pull off battery cable for an hour and let it reset itself
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PostSubject: Re: airbag light    airbag light  I_icon_minitimeOctober 11th 2013, 8:10 pm

Don't even get me started on this lol.. it's most likely needing to be re calibrated at the stealership. If your real lucky like me it will end up being worst case scenario and it's a strain sensor + labor, I paid $512 total. I'm hoping it's just a weight re cal for you bud. Mine still occasionally goes on and then goes off within a minute. I think others have had this issue but I'm told the bags won't blow. You can try pulling the neg cable for a day but doubt that will fix it if it's a sensor.
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PostSubject: Re: airbag light    airbag light  I_icon_minitimeOctober 11th 2013, 9:15 pm

which airbag light?

if it is the driver air bag light try changing the position of your steering wheel. that is a known issue with the telescoping steering wheels connections.

if it is the other light in the bottom right corner (passenger air bag) it could be the problems already mentioned. that light could be the calibration or a bad sensor. either the strain sensor or the position sensor. both go bad. have you ever un bolted your passenger seat?

my passenger air bag light has been on for like a year. Ekaz said it's a bad rear sensor. i must have broke it when i had the seat un bolted. i'll fix it some day. lol.
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PostSubject: Re: airbag light    airbag light  I_icon_minitimeOctober 12th 2013, 8:38 am

I had an issue with the passenger side light coming on and was just a loose wire. Hope yours is an easy fix.
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joey d
CAMM Rookie

Location : new lenox
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PostSubject: Re: airbag light    airbag light  I_icon_minitimeOctober 16th 2013, 7:27 pm

Only one side of the passenger seat moves forward and back, Think that might have something to do with it?
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PostSubject: Re: airbag light    airbag light  I_icon_minitime

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