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 2013 NWIMA Picnic

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Tom C
Hurst Pak
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2013 NWIMA Picnic - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2013 NWIMA Picnic   2013 NWIMA Picnic - Page 6 I_icon_minitimeJuly 8th 2013, 7:48 am

jlg1963 wrote:
kermit wrote:
jlg1963 wrote:
Paul I hope you see this is not meant as a negative thing.... and Jerry you were very cool. Hope to spend time with you any time!! Cool Cool If you guys take this a negative I am so sorry never meant that at all..... had a great time today.... and hope that is shared by all..

lol, dude I have Kermit the frog painted on my TA scoop, and go to car shows wearing Kermit stuff and with a stuffed 5' kermit the frog that I put in my drivers seat.  Do I hit you as being an overly sensitive fellow?

Cool good to know Very Happy Very Happy   I then propose an official end of the "Francis" nickname and suggest "Dip Stick" jocolor jocolor anyone second that suggestion?

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Location : Chicago, IL
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2013 NWIMA Picnic - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2013 NWIMA Picnic   2013 NWIMA Picnic - Page 6 I_icon_minitimeJuly 8th 2013, 7:50 am

jamesv82 wrote:
I want to thank Hurst Pak (Paul) for putting this event on and all the hard work you put into it, from the setup, food and door prizes.  I can't wait for next year and I'll bring 3 bags of ice for you.

Thanks to Vikes4093, Jlg1963, Gsb06rt, Moaugust88, Kermit and Endless for coming out and for the great time hanging out.  Congrats to Kermit and Moaugust88 for the door prizes and can't wait for the next show.

Also thanks to MMA for coming out in force, always a great time.

Great seeing everyone as always. And this was a really cool and fun car show/picnic, my dad said that it isn't a Mopar show without one Super Bird.
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Location : Bristol IL
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2013 NWIMA Picnic - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2013 NWIMA Picnic   2013 NWIMA Picnic - Page 6 I_icon_minitimeJuly 8th 2013, 7:55 am

jamesv82 wrote:
I want to thank Hurst Pak (Paul) for putting this event on and all the hard work you put into it, from the setup, food and door prizes.  I can't wait for next year and I'll bring 3 bags of ice for you.

Thanks to Vikes4093, Jlg1963, Gsb06rt, Moaugust88, Kermit and Endless for coming out and for the great time hanging out.  Congrats to Kermit and Moaugust88 for the door prizes and can't wait for the next show.

Also thanks to MMA for coming out in force, always a great time.

Well said 100% agree
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Location : Northwest Indiana
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2013 NWIMA Picnic - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2013 NWIMA Picnic   2013 NWIMA Picnic - Page 6 I_icon_minitimeJuly 8th 2013, 9:23 am

moaugust88 wrote:
jamesv82 wrote:
I want to thank Hurst Pak (Paul) for putting this event on and all the hard work you put into it, from the setup, food and door prizes.  I can't wait for next year and I'll bring 3 bags of ice for you.

Thanks to Vikes4093, Jlg1963, Gsb06rt, Moaugust88, Kermit and Endless for coming out and for the great time hanging out.  Congrats to Kermit and Moaugust88 for the door prizes and can't wait for the next show.

Also thanks to MMA for coming out in force, always a great time.

Great seeing everyone as always. And this was a really cool and fun car show/picnic, my dad said that it isn't a Mopar show without one Super Bird.

It was great that your dad and brother came out. Your brother looked like he had a blast and to cap it off pulling your winning ticket.
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2013 NWIMA Picnic - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2013 NWIMA Picnic   2013 NWIMA Picnic - Page 6 I_icon_minitime

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2013 NWIMA Picnic
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