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 Recommendations for Tension Struts and Rotors/Pads

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Recommendations for Tension Struts and Rotors/Pads - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Recommendations for Tension Struts and Rotors/Pads   Recommendations for Tension Struts and Rotors/Pads - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeApril 2nd 2012, 12:06 pm

No shit, good to know.
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Location : Naperville
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Recommendations for Tension Struts and Rotors/Pads - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Recommendations for Tension Struts and Rotors/Pads   Recommendations for Tension Struts and Rotors/Pads - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeApril 8th 2012, 10:50 pm

Update on the new rotors and pads, after driving for my usual week and about 350ish miles they pads/rotors are feeling good. I can get them to squeal a bit but only at a certain pedal pressure, a little lighter or harder and it stops. Not a big deal.

The Hawk HPS pads have more bite than the stock pads and the pedal is nice and firm. Of course with such a bad caliper pin on the passenger rear it was bound to feel better. The finish on the premium R1 rotors still looking really good.

With the Mevotech tension struts thing up front feel much tighter. Actually it is funny I really notice speed a lot more. I must have had so much play in the torn up bushings on the stock tension struts that 85 or 100 mph didn't get jittery. Now I feel like I've got 50 lbs. of air in my tires!

Feels much more solid going over bumps and a lot more feedback in the steering. I wonder how badly torn they were when I bought the car almost exactly a year ago. Apparently they didn't get spotted in the Certified Used inspection!
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Recommendations for Tension Struts and Rotors/Pads
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