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 Fixed one Mopar and a Bitch broke another one

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Fixed one Mopar and a Bitch broke another one Empty
PostSubject: Fixed one Mopar and a Bitch broke another one   Fixed one Mopar and a Bitch broke another one I_icon_minitimeMarch 10th 2013, 6:14 pm

I live in the city right now and have to go to my hometown anytime i need to work on my cars. Well this weekend i went home to replace my swaybar bushings on my 2010 Dodge Charger SXT. Classic clunking noise. I also had to go home to do food tasting for my wedding coming up in June. The food tasting wasn't until 12 noon, so i started working on my SXT before i had to go for the tasting. I hadn't finished putting all of the car back together so i had to take the 2008 Dodge Challenger SRT. Of course i parked the car way from all the other cars and at the end of the parking row to give me some extra space. I go in and do the food tasting for 2hours. (Disclaimer - had more fun that i thought i would at the food tasting) So i come out, and open the door to sit down in the car. As i am getting in the challenger a POS Honda Odyssey comes around the corner right in front of me. I think to myself "man she is going fast to park the car!" And then i thought "That fucking bitch doesn't see me!" Just like the old batman tv shows, WHAM, CRUNCH, BAMM!!! That fucking bitch hit a big bright parked orange car in a parking lot. Needless to say i was pissed. I sat in the car screaming at the lady. I could see her trying to tell me to calm down. I got out of the car, walked to the front, looked at the damage, then looked at the lady and said "your a fucking idiot, you hit a fucking parked car!" I had to walk around the car two times before i could calm down and finally talk to her. I was so pissed. Luckily she had State Farm Ins and i work for State Farm so the calm was filed and i had the process moving 2hrs after it happened. God i was fucking pissed.
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Fixed one Mopar and a Bitch broke another one Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fixed one Mopar and a Bitch broke another one   Fixed one Mopar and a Bitch broke another one I_icon_minitimeMarch 10th 2013, 7:27 pm

well that sucks. how bad is the damage?
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Fixed one Mopar and a Bitch broke another one Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fixed one Mopar and a Bitch broke another one   Fixed one Mopar and a Bitch broke another one I_icon_minitimeMarch 10th 2013, 7:33 pm

Sorry to hear that
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Fixed one Mopar and a Bitch broke another one Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fixed one Mopar and a Bitch broke another one   Fixed one Mopar and a Bitch broke another one I_icon_minitimeMarch 10th 2013, 7:58 pm

damn that sucks

bright side you have the inside connection and the process is on its way
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Fixed one Mopar and a Bitch broke another one Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fixed one Mopar and a Bitch broke another one   Fixed one Mopar and a Bitch broke another one I_icon_minitimeMarch 11th 2013, 8:07 am

about $2,500 worth of damage. I took it to a shop that has done some work for me in the past on my older mopars. I talked to the owner of the shop about the parts that Insurance companies put on the cars. They allow to have LKQ parts put on the car. Not that i hate this parts, it is just a 2008 SRT, one of the first 6400 built. The owner agrees and he is going to make sure the paper work says that there are no LKQ parts that can get put on the car. My hope too is that i can get the front bumper cover back from the body shop, hang that on the wall for some "art"
The car needs a new lower spoiler, front bumper cover, grille surround and then to have it all painted. Im just going to have the shop paint the front bumper cover and not blend it into the fenders or hood
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Fixed one Mopar and a Bitch broke another one Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fixed one Mopar and a Bitch broke another one   Fixed one Mopar and a Bitch broke another one I_icon_minitimeMarch 11th 2013, 9:13 am

I'm glad it wasn't the 69 Charger! This is one time that parking among other cars would have paid off. You're damned if you do, damned if you don't... because of idiots like this person.

Hope you're rolling again soon.
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PostSubject: Re: Fixed one Mopar and a Bitch broke another one   Fixed one Mopar and a Bitch broke another one I_icon_minitimeMarch 11th 2013, 10:41 am

Im sorry man that sucks a ton.
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PostSubject: Re: Fixed one Mopar and a Bitch broke another one   Fixed one Mopar and a Bitch broke another one I_icon_minitime

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