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Chicagoland Area Modern Mopars
Joining our club forum is FREE, so please take a few minutes to register and join us in Chicagoland's best Modern Mopar club on the web!

After joining, you will not only be able to communicate with our members, but other forums will be available for viewing and posting. These include our CAMM Swap section, featuring parts and vehicles for sale in the Chicagoland area, the Knowledge Base, Off Topic Areas and much, much more.

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We openly invite you to join our online community and hope to see you posting soon!

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 Mopar 75th Anniversar​y | Win a Mopar Club Kit!

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PostSubject: Mopar 75th Anniversar​y | Win a Mopar Club Kit!   Mopar 75th Anniversar​y | Win a Mopar Club Kit! I_icon_minitimeJanuary 20th 2012, 7:36 pm

Got this in an email from Chrysler:


As you know, our enthusiast clubs are really important to Mopar as you’ve been a part of our rich history and contribute to our strength today. So I wanted to send you this email to invite you and your club members to take a ride with us into a new and exciting future. Please join us for a 75th Anniversary Celebration as we’ll take a look at Mopar’s history, showcase our present, and give you a glimpse into the future.

Be a part of the entire event and watch the web broadcast live!

Event Highlights include:

· Unveiling of the Mopar ‘12

· View a collection of Past, Present and Future Vehicles

· Special Event and Custom Vehicle Announcements

· Much more…


When: Tuesday, January 31, 2012 at 8:30 am EST

Special Promotion

The best part for clubs is that we are doing a special giveaway where the top three clubs that get the most members, friends and family to watch the stream will win a brand new Mopar Club Kit before they go on sale. The kits will include items like a Mopar canopy, banners, clipboards, pens, etc. Basically everything to help you setup a registration area at your events! All that members need to do to enter the club will be to watch the stream on Jan 31st at 8:30am EST by going to . The page will be live next week but entries will only be counted during the stream.

Please let me know if you have any questions on the event, contest, or web broadcast.

Looking forward to having you participate in our 75th Anniversary announcements!

Brad Lowrey

Social Media Community Manager | Mopar Service & Parts Marketing | |

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Mopar 75th Anniversar​y | Win a Mopar Club Kit! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mopar 75th Anniversar​y | Win a Mopar Club Kit!   Mopar 75th Anniversar​y | Win a Mopar Club Kit! I_icon_minitimeJanuary 20th 2012, 7:46 pm

Wow! What an absolute terrible day/time to have an event...
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