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 I fixed my Halos

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I fixed my Halos Empty
PostSubject: I fixed my Halos   I fixed my Halos I_icon_minitimeJuly 28th 2010, 12:08 pm

About a month ago, my halos just stopped working. I figured the wireless switch went out because it does seem kindof cheap and I only paid $20 (believing the old saying that you get what ya pay for). So today, I took out the wireless switch and hooked it up to a separate power source and the damn thing still worked. So I then tried to test the power coming from my Voltage regulator that Flashtech provides with the halos and I wasnt getting any juice from them. I kindof got pissed because that thing is like $60 and if it burned out that means I wouldnt be able to use my halos for a long while. So I yanked the voltage regulator out and checked the fuses (it has one on board and one in the power line) the one on board was fine but the one in the power line was all corroded. So just a heads up for anybody who has something go out without notice, it can be something as simple as a little corrosion rather than the whole system taking a dump.
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CAMM All-Star

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PostSubject: Re: I fixed my Halos   I fixed my Halos I_icon_minitimeJuly 28th 2010, 12:10 pm

Sweet! Easy fix... what color do you have on our car?
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Location : Chicago
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PostSubject: Re: I fixed my Halos   I fixed my Halos I_icon_minitimeJuly 28th 2010, 12:12 pm

Hypnotiq wrote:
Sweet! Easy fix... what color do you have on our car?

Thanks. I got red/blue bullet halos. ( I can turn each color on by itself)
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Location : Bloomingdale
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PostSubject: Re: I fixed my Halos   I fixed my Halos I_icon_minitimeJuly 28th 2010, 12:19 pm

glad you got it working, if anyone knew how to fix it, it would be you!
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PostSubject: Re: I fixed my Halos   I fixed my Halos I_icon_minitime

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I fixed my Halos
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