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 power steering pump replacement

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power steering pump replacement Empty
PostSubject: power steering pump replacement   power steering pump replacement I_icon_minitimeMay 6th 2012, 11:25 am

has anyone changed the PS pump on an srt before? I'm pretty sure I fucked mine up playing in a parking lot a couple months ago. I know I blew out the water pump then, and now the steering is whining and I've got trans fluid all over the ending bay. Everything around the steering rack looks dry, so I'm hoping it's just the pump. It looks pretty straight forward to replace, if I can find the part. Would you trust the re-manufactured parts? or should I go to the dealer? I put an autozone water pump in, and the quality was suspect, no problems yet, but it wouldn't surprise me. Does anyone, preferably on the south side, have the tool tool to press the pulley on? I'll probably get a new pulley and put it on before I pull my broken pump. They are cheap. Can I remove the lines from the reservoir to the pump, and from the pump to the cooler with regular hand tools, or are there some kind of high pressure fittings? thanks,
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PostSubject: Re: power steering pump replacement   power steering pump replacement I_icon_minitimeMay 6th 2012, 12:00 pm

regular hand tools are all you need. I had the pump replaced 3 times on the old v-6. I believe the new pump should come with a pulley too. and if it doesnt, i dont ever recall the tech using a special tool for the pulley. good luck...
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PostSubject: Re: power steering pump replacement   power steering pump replacement I_icon_minitimeMay 6th 2012, 12:00 pm

replace the high pressure line also. it is known to leak and cause the pump failure.
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CAMM All-Star

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PostSubject: Re: power steering pump replacement   power steering pump replacement I_icon_minitimeMay 6th 2012, 12:15 pm

the high pressure line is from the pump to the steering rack?
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CAMM All-Star

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power steering pump replacement Empty
PostSubject: Re: power steering pump replacement   power steering pump replacement I_icon_minitimeMay 20th 2012, 12:57 pm

just finished putting in a new pump, pulley, and pressure line. The steering feels great now, but there is still a slight whine. I'm hoping it's just a bit of air in the system and will work it way out in a few days. The pump was really easy to change, the line was kind of a pain in the ass, but still not bad. the whole job was about two hours, more than half that was spent cleaning trans fluid that had completely trashed the engine bay.

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Illinois Chaos
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Illinois Chaos

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PostSubject: Re: power steering pump replacement   power steering pump replacement I_icon_minitimeMay 20th 2012, 6:08 pm

Any busted knuckles story? lol.
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PostSubject: Re: power steering pump replacement   power steering pump replacement I_icon_minitimeMay 20th 2012, 8:06 pm

nope, no butsted knuckles. I did get a shot of PB Blaster in the eye, that felt great. I bought a set of line wrenches, I've never used them before, and I'm not sure I like them, but my brother said they are less likely to slip?

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CAMM All-Star

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PostSubject: Re: power steering pump replacement   power steering pump replacement I_icon_minitimeMay 24th 2012, 6:45 pm

ps whine went away, had to top off the fluid reservoir. I still have a squeaky something going on, and without the ps pump whine it's really prominent.

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PostSubject: Re: power steering pump replacement   power steering pump replacement I_icon_minitime

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