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 aftermarket wheel opening trim

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Dave Kanofsky
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Dave Kanofsky

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aftermarket wheel opening trim  Empty
PostSubject: aftermarket wheel opening trim    aftermarket wheel opening trim  I_icon_minitimeMay 11th 2011, 1:24 pm

I have a '99 Durango that is showing some rust in the 1/4's right above the wheelwells.

Mine does not have the factory flares on it, so I was also looking at some of the aftermarket stainless ones. I don't want them to stick out much, just cover up the rust.

Anybody have aftermarket stainless ones they like? I can't find a pic on a 1st gen. Dingo anywhere.

It looks like there's Putco, TFP, ICI, and QMI - which company is any good?

Thanks for your help!

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aftermarket wheel opening trim  Empty
PostSubject: Re: aftermarket wheel opening trim    aftermarket wheel opening trim  I_icon_minitimeMay 11th 2011, 5:48 pm

If anything the rust will get worse. If you put those flares on it, you will trap moisture and dirt which will cause the rust to worsten. If you do decide to put them on, Putco makes a decent product, never heard of the other companies. Chances are your wheel well rusted from the inside out, which means you would have to cut the 1/4 panel and put some new sheet metal. The way to prevent that wheel well rust is everytime you wash the truck you should rinse the upper lip in the wheel well out. That lip is full of salt, dirt, and grime.
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aftermarket wheel opening trim  Empty
PostSubject: Re: aftermarket wheel opening trim    aftermarket wheel opening trim  I_icon_minitimeMay 11th 2011, 7:08 pm

Shawn1112 wrote:
If anything the rust will get worse. If you put those flares on it, you will trap moisture and dirt which will cause the rust to worsten. If you do decide to put them on, Putco makes a decent product, never heard of the other companies. Chances are your wheel well rusted from the inside out, which means you would have to cut the 1/4 panel and put some new sheet metal. The way to prevent that wheel well rust is everytime you wash the truck you should rinse the upper lip in the wheel well out. That lip is full of salt, dirt, and grime.

Agreed 100% Rust is like cancer , it just keeps spreading if not treated
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Dave Kanofsky
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Dave Kanofsky

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aftermarket wheel opening trim  Empty
PostSubject: Re: aftermarket wheel opening trim    aftermarket wheel opening trim  I_icon_minitimeMay 12th 2011, 12:15 pm

You are exactly right and I know I am just buying a little time. the cost of the bodywork isn't justified on the vehicle.

Thanks for the input and for the Putco reccomendation!
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PostSubject: Re: aftermarket wheel opening trim    aftermarket wheel opening trim  I_icon_minitime

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