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 CMR email tune for $79

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CMR email tune for $79 Empty
PostSubject: CMR email tune for $79   CMR email tune for $79 I_icon_minitimeFebruary 13th 2010, 12:54 pm

DCX Depot. 3 revisions. One week turnaround or it's free. Call Tim at 877 234-5551 for more deals. This is for stock cam and no fi
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CAMM All-Star

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CMR email tune for $79 Empty
PostSubject: Re: CMR email tune for $79   CMR email tune for $79 I_icon_minitimeFebruary 13th 2010, 5:51 pm

Wow...that's a great deal. Wish I could take advantage of that.
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Location : Plainfield
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CMR email tune for $79 Empty
PostSubject: Re: CMR email tune for $79   CMR email tune for $79 I_icon_minitimeFebruary 13th 2010, 9:06 pm

so basically it's a can tune - no mods??
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CMR email tune for $79 Empty
PostSubject: Re: CMR email tune for $79   CMR email tune for $79 I_icon_minitimeFebruary 13th 2010, 9:53 pm

that's where i call and get all my tunes Smile
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Location : Bloomingdale
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CMR email tune for $79 Empty
PostSubject: Re: CMR email tune for $79   CMR email tune for $79 I_icon_minitimeFebruary 13th 2010, 10:05 pm

Just passing it along i have never used them. My next tune will be a dyno tune.
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Illinois Chaos
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Illinois Chaos

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CMR email tune for $79 Empty
PostSubject: Re: CMR email tune for $79   CMR email tune for $79 I_icon_minitimeFebruary 14th 2010, 5:33 pm

Bob_Kurgan wrote:
that's where i call and get all my tunes Smile

I knew that Dyno looked fake. No wonder I'm getting spam in the Diablo. JK ya Bob. How are you feeling now, after your operation? Good, I hope.
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CMR email tune for $79 Empty
PostSubject: Re: CMR email tune for $79   CMR email tune for $79 I_icon_minitimeFebruary 14th 2010, 5:51 pm

things are GREAT!! Business is overwhelming, health is good, and family is great! I will be having my open house in the spring after we have the lot paved! We got another lift at the shop and will be expanding to the other side. Ive got a bridgeport and lathe on the way as well!
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CMR email tune for $79 Empty
PostSubject: Re: CMR email tune for $79   CMR email tune for $79 I_icon_minitimeFebruary 14th 2010, 6:03 pm

Sweet glad that business is booming keep it up
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CMR email tune for $79 Empty
PostSubject: Re: CMR email tune for $79   CMR email tune for $79 I_icon_minitimeFebruary 14th 2010, 6:23 pm

Great to hear, Bob. Please post up a reminder about your open house when the date draws near.
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CMR email tune for $79 Empty
PostSubject: Re: CMR email tune for $79   CMR email tune for $79 I_icon_minitime

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CMR email tune for $79
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