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 AWD light comes on at start up randomly

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CAMM Rookie

Location : Tinley Park
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AWD light comes on at start up randomly Empty
PostSubject: AWD light comes on at start up randomly   AWD light comes on at start up randomly I_icon_minitimeJuly 21st 2015, 6:27 pm

So, I've had this issue on and off for a while. I'll start the car and either it won't start right away or it will, but either way, the service AWD light comes on for a minute and then turns off.

It's only random and spuratic at best. Most all the time, it starts fine without the light coming on. Wheel sensors? AWD computer? Dunno. The fuses are OK though.

Any thoughts or ideas would be great.
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CAMM All-Star

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AWD light comes on at start up randomly Empty
PostSubject: Re: AWD light comes on at start up randomly   AWD light comes on at start up randomly I_icon_minitimeJuly 21st 2015, 8:43 pm

I've seen AWD light issues on lxforums before, but don't remember any of the fixes. I think one guy had to get a new transfer case. If you take it to the dealership, I like the Chrysler bettenhaussen on 94th ave better than the dodge dealership for service. I've had a couple bad experiences at the dodge place, and one really good one at chrysler.

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CAMM Rookie

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AWD light comes on at start up randomly Empty
PostSubject: Re: AWD light comes on at start up randomly   AWD light comes on at start up randomly I_icon_minitimeSeptember 14th 2015, 5:50 pm

I had to order a new transfer case control module and for the last two weeks... Knock on wood, so far, so good. We'll see here as I was getting some abs module low voltage codes too before I replaced the tc module. I really don't feel like spending another 600 for the abs module.
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AWD light comes on at start up randomly Empty
PostSubject: Re: AWD light comes on at start up randomly   AWD light comes on at start up randomly I_icon_minitime

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AWD light comes on at start up randomly
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