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 Problematic Push Button Start

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CAMM Member

Location : Chicago
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Problematic Push Button Start Empty
PostSubject: Problematic Push Button Start   Problematic Push Button Start I_icon_minitimeSeptember 9th 2012, 10:15 am

I have a 2010 Challenger SRT, my key fob doesn't like to work all the time. The dash either reads key fob not detected and it takes 10 tries to get it to fire. And sometimes I can't lock or unlock the doors. Is there a battery in the key fob or someway to charge it? Help yesterday I looked like a fool with a few people and this is very aggravating. Ideas? Solutions?
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Location : Bristol IL
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Reputation : 82

Problematic Push Button Start Empty
PostSubject: Re: Problematic Push Button Start   Problematic Push Button Start I_icon_minitimeSeptember 9th 2012, 10:21 am

KTCHUP wrote:
I have a 2010 Challenger SRT, my key fob doesn't like to work all the time. The dash either reads key fob not detected and it takes 10 tries to get it to fire. And sometimes I can't lock or unlock the doors. Is there a battery in the key fob or someway to charge it? Help yesterday I looked like a fool with a few people and this is very aggravating. Ideas? Solutions?

I think this has all the info you are looking for on this subject....... thumbsup
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CAMM Member

Location : Chicago
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Problematic Push Button Start Empty
PostSubject: Re: Problematic Push Button Start   Problematic Push Button Start I_icon_minitimeSeptember 9th 2012, 10:27 am

Thanks but the not working
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Location : Bristol IL
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Posts : 410
Reputation : 82

Problematic Push Button Start Empty
PostSubject: Re: Problematic Push Button Start   Problematic Push Button Start I_icon_minitimeSeptember 9th 2012, 10:37 am

Not sure why it would not work scratch

Go to Google and type in "100 Challenger tips and tricks"
the info is located in tip# 49

Problematic Push Button Start Captur14
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Problematic Push Button Start Empty
PostSubject: Re: Problematic Push Button Start   Problematic Push Button Start I_icon_minitime

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