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 Coolant Leak

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Location : Schaumburg
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PostSubject: Coolant Leak   Coolant Leak I_icon_minitimeApril 29th 2014, 7:40 am

have a small leak coming from the drain hose/petcock area. I replaced all my upper hose, water neck, coolant tank and those areas are dry. Petcock seems to be tight and never touched the area. Car has been sitting since Sunday and theres nothing under it, so its not a constant leak. Seems to happen when the car is running. It's not getting hot either. I noticed it after I jacked the car up to put a wheel on, the leak started to happen after that, so IDK. Any suggestions? Was thinking about throwing a stop leak in it...
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PostSubject: Re: Coolant Leak   Coolant Leak I_icon_minitimeApril 29th 2014, 8:52 am

Do not throw stop leak in it, that shit is exactly that, SHIT!!!!! So are you saying your car isnt getting up to temp, or are you saying its not overheating???
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Location : Schaumburg
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PostSubject: Re: Coolant Leak   Coolant Leak I_icon_minitimeApril 29th 2014, 8:57 am

its hovering around 200 but not overheating or anything
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PostSubject: Re: Coolant Leak   Coolant Leak I_icon_minitimeApril 29th 2014, 9:00 am

could be a small crack in the radiator... however, id lean more towards the o-ring seal around the petcock, or the lower radiator hose leaking a little while under pressure...
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PostSubject: Re: Coolant Leak   Coolant Leak I_icon_minitimeApril 29th 2014, 9:05 am

gotta remember, its a pressurized system... since you said you didn't notice anything from just sitting, and you notice it only when the its running, leads me to think its something that leaks once the system pressure is present. Id suggest turning the car on, bringing it up to temperature, and then start checking the hose connections, and condition of the hoses. check the petcock area, and well... you get the idea.
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Location : Schaumburg
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PostSubject: Re: Coolant Leak   Coolant Leak I_icon_minitimeApril 29th 2014, 9:20 am

thanks, whats weird is that I didnt touch any of the areas that it seems to be leeking from. it was fine. So IDK if the o-ring or lower hose could just start leaking when they werent prior
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PostSubject: Re: Coolant Leak   Coolant Leak I_icon_minitimeApril 29th 2014, 4:32 pm

o-rings and stuff will dry out over time and develop leaks. of course, usually you don't see any problems unless you disturb it... if the car sits for a while like in storage, it's possible the hoses will dry out and crack. it could be something as simple as over tightening the hose clamp on the radiator.
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PostSubject: Re: Coolant Leak   Coolant Leak I_icon_minitimeApril 29th 2014, 6:16 pm

Those petcocks sucks, I had an issue with mine when I got my SRT8, I was gonna drain the coolant when I installed the waterneck, I loosened the petcock, and nothing would come out, I was doing some diggin and saw that the stock dexcool coolant will "gell" and form a "plug", I had to use my compressor and blow air through the system and this gell looking plug shot out.

BUT could be the same case kinda, some dex was once drained out, then hardened between the o-ring seal on the petcock, thus causing a slight leak, then once the car warms up an pressurized it will "force" coolant out of that small leak area. If it were me, I would let the car run and warm up, and crawl under the car, and just sit and watch to see if I could see anything dripping. OR you could just get an o-ring or another petcock with a new seal and try that, ANOTHER option is to pressure test the system with the tool, it basically connects to the bottle and you pump pressure into the cooling system to look for leaks
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Location : Schaumburg
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PostSubject: Re: Coolant Leak   Coolant Leak I_icon_minitimeApril 30th 2014, 7:32 am

well I found the issue. Seems the rubber grommet that goes over the radiator spout is too large, even when clamped down the rubber still is too big to seal properly. weird cause it wasnt leaking after I reattached it, but after removing the entire piece found the issue.

I cut part of the OEM hose off and slipped it inside the rubber grommet and connected that to the radiator spout then the other end put the new upper hose in and sealed it. Just have to run to the store later and grab a hose clamp and see if this worked or not.

Anyone running the Killer glass have issues with the rubber grommet?
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PostSubject: Re: Coolant Leak   Coolant Leak I_icon_minitimeApril 30th 2014, 3:29 pm

so you did go with the killer glass? Mine didn't have any gromet, maybe there is a difference between the 6.1 and your motor. Mine was just a glass tube with barbed ends. I had to make up the rest of the hose with a new oem hose. Then there are heat shrink collars that go over the hose to glass connections. I heated the collars with a hairdryer and they shrunk most of the way, but it did leak a little until the coolant got up to temp for a few minutes, that shrunk them the rest of the way.

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Location : Schaumburg
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PostSubject: Re: Coolant Leak   Coolant Leak I_icon_minitimeApril 30th 2014, 3:43 pm

i have a 6.1 Funk, didnt go with the Killer glass tho. Went with the stainless hose, but it has the rubber sleeves/grommets like the Killer Glass, but it was too large even to shrink. i have to run to the store after work and get a clamp, by the time I got done last time it was too fingers crossed this works, I think it should be fine though
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PostSubject: Re: Coolant Leak   Coolant Leak I_icon_minitimeApril 30th 2014, 4:14 pm

I see. I saw the same heat shrink bands that I have somewhere, but I can't remember where. I hope the clamp works.
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Location : Schaumburg
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PostSubject: Re: Coolant Leak   Coolant Leak I_icon_minitimeMay 1st 2014, 7:27 am

well got it all fixed. Its a temp fix as the guy from JMB called me last night and said he sent the wrong size coupler rubber fitting out and thats the issue, but for the mean time, the spliced hose worked great, ran it for almost an hour, didn't run hot, no leaks at all, gave it gas quite a few times as well.
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PostSubject: Re: Coolant Leak   Coolant Leak I_icon_minitime

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