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 Dreaded front end clunk

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joey d
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PostSubject: Dreaded front end clunk   Dreaded front end clunk I_icon_minitimeOctober 11th 2013, 7:17 pm

Just had tie rod ends replaced a few months ago, and now a new noise from the front end. Was thinking about replaceing the whole front end but looking for options. Has anyone ever put in polyurethane bushings? and if so how hard a job is it. Also thinking about new struts while I got it apart. Its a 2006 r/t with r&t package.
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PostSubject: Re: Dreaded front end clunk   Dreaded front end clunk I_icon_minitimeOctober 11th 2013, 8:16 pm

I was gonna go poly bushings with my R/T but I drove another one that had them and the ride is so stiff you'll need a chiropractor after you get out. I had one of the members here who is a great mechanic put in shocks and struts and sway bar bushings and a few other things and that car made no more noises after that. There's a reason that Dodge uses the bushings they use, sure they wear out but the polys are just too stiff imho.
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PostSubject: Re: Dreaded front end clunk   Dreaded front end clunk I_icon_minitimeOctober 12th 2013, 4:57 pm

Lower Tension struts, or sway bar bushings... for sure
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PostSubject: Re: Dreaded front end clunk   Dreaded front end clunk I_icon_minitime

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