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 Exhaust for SXT Charger w/ Factory Duals

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Exhaust for SXT Charger w/ Factory Duals Empty
PostSubject: Exhaust for SXT Charger w/ Factory Duals   Exhaust for SXT Charger w/ Factory Duals I_icon_minitimeSeptember 30th 2013, 4:09 pm

Here's the deal. The factory system on my 3.6L charger is already pretty nice. Stainless front to back and it's a true dual exhaust with round mufflers in the middle and suitcase resonators on each pipe in the back. I want to liven up the exhaust a little bit without going too loud. The most popular option seems to be a resonator delete but that's too loud. After listening to some clips I decided that I want to replace the rear resonators with something else.

So, I bought some 12" Cherry Bomb glasspacks and went to a muffler shop in Griffith, IN. The guy said because of the offset of the resonators he would have to cut the pipe way far back and then bend in two new pipes so that the bombs were straight and exited the back properly. You can see the offset of my resonators below.

Exhaust for SXT Charger w/ Factory Duals 10020198394_d573e211e5Exhaust for SXT Charger w/ Factory Duals 10020323953_168aec656a

The red lines in this picture show where he wanted to cut to weld in new pipe. Unfortunately he didn't carry Stainless pipe in stock and a pole would have been $110. The life expectancy of the pipe he wanted to use was only 3 years... So i decided not to press forward and just went home. Ugh. It would have been around $165 for the labor, $110 for the stainless pipe, and the $60 I had invested in the glasspacks.

Exhaust for SXT Charger w/ Factory Duals 6EywYDy

I've visited half a dozen shops and everyone but this guy was insistent on selling me a full catback system. All I want is something a little more louder than stock without breaking the bank. No drone at all as I have family and little ones in the car often.

Does anyone else have the same exhaust setup that I do and what did you guys do? I don't want loud, i just want it to be slightly more aggressive without drone. The stock system is already nice so I was thinking of just slightly modifying that without a hack job.

Can anyone recommend any shops in the area that would have stainless pipe in stock?
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PostSubject: Re: Exhaust for SXT Charger w/ Factory Duals   Exhaust for SXT Charger w/ Factory Duals I_icon_minitimeSeptember 30th 2013, 6:28 pm

I had a Bob's kit on my old 3.5, I bought the loudest one they had at the time, it wasnt crazy loud either, to where it was too loud, I'd say if you go with a baffled bob's kit (like the baffles tips), that alone will tone it down.

The sound clips sound good, but hard to tell how loud they are in person
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CAMM Rookie

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PostSubject: Re: Exhaust for SXT Charger w/ Factory Duals   Exhaust for SXT Charger w/ Factory Duals I_icon_minitimeSeptember 30th 2013, 6:47 pm

Yea I've heard the kit on other cars and it is nice but there's drone at certain speeds that I could do without. Something a step below that would be nice.
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CAMM All-Star

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PostSubject: Re: Exhaust for SXT Charger w/ Factory Duals   Exhaust for SXT Charger w/ Factory Duals I_icon_minitimeSeptember 30th 2013, 6:47 pm

i have my stock 5.7 exhaust laying in the garage if you want it... it was cut in the middle when I had the catback installed on my car but shouldnt be a problem for any welder in any exhaust shop.... its a full cat back, but it is stainless pipe from the factory, and its bigger than yours so it should help with some performance with not a lot of the drone... the car should already have the holes for mounting it as well being that you have the newer generation with the 3.6L... if you want it, id be willing to selling it....
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CAMM Rookie

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Exhaust for SXT Charger w/ Factory Duals Empty
PostSubject: Re: Exhaust for SXT Charger w/ Factory Duals   Exhaust for SXT Charger w/ Factory Duals I_icon_minitimeSeptember 30th 2013, 10:39 pm

Hrm, tempting. Would it be much louder? What are you looking to get for it?
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CAMM All-Star

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PostSubject: Re: Exhaust for SXT Charger w/ Factory Duals   Exhaust for SXT Charger w/ Factory Duals I_icon_minitimeOctober 1st 2013, 12:28 am

shouldnt be too much louder... i swapped it cuz i wanted the sound.... i was figuring around $150 for it... you'd have to check to see if would it actually fit on your car because I myself am not exactly sure if the R/T exhaust will fit your car. It worked on the older cars though so why wouldn't it work on the newer ones...
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CAMM Rookie

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Exhaust for SXT Charger w/ Factory Duals Empty
PostSubject: Re: Exhaust for SXT Charger w/ Factory Duals   Exhaust for SXT Charger w/ Factory Duals I_icon_minitimeOctober 2nd 2013, 1:20 pm

Tempting, but if I was gonna spend the coin I'd buy a stick of stainless and just have a shop make the glasspacks fit. I'll keep your offer in mind though.

Can anyone recommend an exhaust shop in the area?
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