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 Anyone in the market for a new car?

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Location : Cornfield
Points : 5709
Posts : 497
Reputation : 114

Anyone in the market for a new car? Empty
PostSubject: Anyone in the market for a new car?   Anyone in the market for a new car? I_icon_minitimeApril 27th 2012, 12:23 am

My wife was telling me about a website... ... Apparently she had seen it on a show... The view or the Chew... Something like that... Anyway... You sign up on the website... And you just pick the car you want, the options you are looking for, and the area you want to look in... And the dealerships will compete to give you the best deal... But the best part is... They don't get your phone number or email address... So you don't have to hassle with negotiations in person... Which saves time, money, and headaches... I was just on the site and kinda played around a little... And it looks pretty cool... So thought I would share...
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Location : Cornfield
Points : 5709
Posts : 497
Reputation : 114

Anyone in the market for a new car? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anyone in the market for a new car?   Anyone in the market for a new car? I_icon_minitimeApril 27th 2012, 12:26 am

They do show them your first and last name it looks like... So I guess it would be pretty simple to find your number unless its unlisted... But the whole point is to avoid contact until your ready...
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Anyone in the market for a new car?
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