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 Time for a Brake Job

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Metallic Blue
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Time for a Brake Job - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Time for a Brake Job   Time for a Brake Job - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeOctober 14th 2009, 10:10 pm

Illinois Chaos wrote:
Well, one of my next mods will be the Pedders Foundation Kit. Check this out, I'm sure you need it too.

well... besides the suspension busings most of the flex can be taken care of by the strut braces and a set of sub frame connectors. i just think that kit is a bit pricey at almost a grand... poly bushings for the suspension can be had for a much more reasonable price.

i think i will go that route with hotchkis sway bars instead.
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Illinois Chaos
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Illinois Chaos

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Time for a Brake Job - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Time for a Brake Job   Time for a Brake Job - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeOctober 14th 2009, 10:37 pm

Quote from LeLand West:

Your typical vehicle is equipped with rubber bushings. Bushings are essentially great big rubber washers or shock absorbers that are used as connecting or mounting pieces between moving under-car parts. Particularly those that are suspension-related. The rubber that is typically used, while very stiff, is under tremendous stress and as such is - relatively - very pliable. What is needed is something that retains some flexibility, remains durable over time but is far stiffer than rubber. The answer for a variety of motorsport applications is to replace the rubber components with one formulation or another of plastic or urethane.

Net Effect: While expensive relative to what 'poly' bushings often cost on other platforms, The system offered by Pedders - currently the only one available on the market - performs. Most immediately noticeable is the time lag associated with steering input and weight transfer has effectively disappeared. The car now goes immediately where it is pointed. This is the finishing touch to a suspension that started out a family truckster and ended up a track demon.

There is, however, no free lunch in this world. With improved handling comes decreased ride comfort. The Pedders product does not suffer from the increased noise that most poly bushing kits inflict upon their owners, but stiffer bushings equal a stiffer ride. Particularly when driving over the slab seams often found on urban highways. You'll definitely notice an increased thump to the tuckus.

I just thought this would be a good solution for you, Jon
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Time for a Brake Job - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Time for a Brake Job   Time for a Brake Job - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeOctober 14th 2009, 11:09 pm

yea of course id love to have it. just not for that price. Very Happy
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PostSubject: Re: Time for a Brake Job   Time for a Brake Job - Page 2 I_icon_minitime

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