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 ATTN jontoad - I'm in need of tires please!

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Location : USA, Marengo, IL
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ATTN jontoad - I'm in need of tires please! Empty
PostSubject: ATTN jontoad - I'm in need of tires please!   ATTN jontoad - I'm in need of tires please! I_icon_minitimeMay 6th 2010, 10:09 am

Well, I don't have enough posts to PM so I figured this was the next best thing. I'm in the market for some new tires for my Magnum RT. I've had my eye on the Yokohama AVID ENVIgor's in 225/60-18, any thoughts on those or perhaps other tire suggestions? I have the stock 18's on the car and would much rather drive out to you for some new rubber as opposed to ordering tires, paying shipping, taking them to a shop, blah blah blah. Please PM me with a phone number and I'll give you a call.

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Location : Chicago, IL
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ATTN jontoad - I'm in need of tires please! Empty
PostSubject: Re: ATTN jontoad - I'm in need of tires please!   ATTN jontoad - I'm in need of tires please! I_icon_minitimeMay 6th 2010, 10:27 am

Same here! lol
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ATTN jontoad - I'm in need of tires please! Empty
PostSubject: Re: ATTN jontoad - I'm in need of tires please!   ATTN jontoad - I'm in need of tires please! I_icon_minitimeMay 6th 2010, 11:21 am

Pretty sure he is at work today. I will text him and let him know this thread is out here.
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Location : Chicago, IL
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ATTN jontoad - I'm in need of tires please! Empty
PostSubject: Re: ATTN jontoad - I'm in need of tires please!   ATTN jontoad - I'm in need of tires please! I_icon_minitimeMay 6th 2010, 11:27 am

Thanks Crystal!!!
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ATTN jontoad - I'm in need of tires please! Empty
PostSubject: Re: ATTN jontoad - I'm in need of tires please!   ATTN jontoad - I'm in need of tires please! I_icon_minitimeMay 6th 2010, 7:51 pm

so crystal texted me but it didn't say anything about this thread. lol.

if your looking at the yoko's i think we have a $40 rebate on those at the moment also. we don't stock the invigors yet cause they are too new. id have to order those but we do carry the yokohama yk520's in stock most of the time.

either way call me at the shop. between 8-6 friday or 8-5 saturday and i can get you some pricing and check stock on stuff. 630-428-0178.
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Location : Chicago, IL
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ATTN jontoad - I'm in need of tires please! Empty
PostSubject: Re: ATTN jontoad - I'm in need of tires please!   ATTN jontoad - I'm in need of tires please! I_icon_minitimeMay 7th 2010, 12:53 am

Thanks jon!!!
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ATTN jontoad - I'm in need of tires please! Empty
PostSubject: Re: ATTN jontoad - I'm in need of tires please!   ATTN jontoad - I'm in need of tires please! I_icon_minitimeMay 7th 2010, 1:22 am

My bad, still worked though. Smile
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ATTN jontoad - I'm in need of tires please! Empty
PostSubject: Re: ATTN jontoad - I'm in need of tires please!   ATTN jontoad - I'm in need of tires please! I_icon_minitime

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ATTN jontoad - I'm in need of tires please!
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