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 JET Stage II --vs-- Diablo Predator 93 octane

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JET Stage II --vs-- Diablo Predator 93 octane Empty
PostSubject: JET Stage II --vs-- Diablo Predator 93 octane   JET Stage II --vs-- Diablo Predator 93 octane I_icon_minitimeJuly 15th 2009, 9:01 am

I got my charger r/t in july 05
I've been using the JET Stage 2 since 06.

I'm reading a lot about the Predator tuner being superior to the JET chip.

Could someone with some number's (or personal experience) give me a little feedback on if I should switch out the chip for the tuner?
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CAMM All-Star

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PostSubject: Re: JET Stage II --vs-- Diablo Predator 93 octane   JET Stage II --vs-- Diablo Predator 93 octane I_icon_minitimeJuly 15th 2009, 9:26 am

I'm not experienced at all but the Predator is far superior to the Jet Chip. The Predator is hand held and you can program many different things with it while you just stick the chip in the computer. Switch it! Smile
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JET Stage II --vs-- Diablo Predator 93 octane Empty
PostSubject: Re: JET Stage II --vs-- Diablo Predator 93 octane   JET Stage II --vs-- Diablo Predator 93 octane I_icon_minitimeJuly 15th 2009, 11:12 am

ChargerChick is correct for once..
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JET Stage II --vs-- Diablo Predator 93 octane Empty
PostSubject: Re: JET Stage II --vs-- Diablo Predator 93 octane   JET Stage II --vs-- Diablo Predator 93 octane I_icon_minitimeJuly 15th 2009, 1:24 pm

What about piggybacking them? I wouldnt do it without anyone having tried it before.. Seems like a bad plan to me..
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PostSubject: Re: JET Stage II --vs-- Diablo Predator 93 octane   JET Stage II --vs-- Diablo Predator 93 octane I_icon_minitimeJuly 15th 2009, 1:26 pm

Chips are for dip... French Onion or Cool Ranch, you decide.

The Predator is the real deal.
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JET Stage II --vs-- Diablo Predator 93 octane Empty
PostSubject: Re: JET Stage II --vs-- Diablo Predator 93 octane   JET Stage II --vs-- Diablo Predator 93 octane I_icon_minitimeJuly 15th 2009, 1:27 pm

Haha. Sold.

Thanks Cobra / Chargerchick
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JET Stage II --vs-- Diablo Predator 93 octane Empty
PostSubject: Re: JET Stage II --vs-- Diablo Predator 93 octane   JET Stage II --vs-- Diablo Predator 93 octane I_icon_minitimeJuly 15th 2009, 3:20 pm

I had the stage 2 chip for a month or so before I found out about the predator. Difference is night and day!!!!
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CAMM All-Star

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PostSubject: Re: JET Stage II --vs-- Diablo Predator 93 octane   JET Stage II --vs-- Diablo Predator 93 octane I_icon_minitimeJuly 15th 2009, 7:31 pm

elcobra44 wrote:
ChargerChick is correct for once..

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Mad Hatter
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Mad Hatter

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JET Stage II --vs-- Diablo Predator 93 octane Empty
PostSubject: Re: JET Stage II --vs-- Diablo Predator 93 octane   JET Stage II --vs-- Diablo Predator 93 octane I_icon_minitimeJuly 17th 2009, 7:03 pm

I already know you have pride in your Charger & it's performance! Pred It Up & see what you'll really have to talk about! If you don't like it, you can always clear it out & sell it to someone.
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Location : Virginia Beach, VA
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JET Stage II --vs-- Diablo Predator 93 octane Empty
PostSubject: Re: JET Stage II --vs-- Diablo Predator 93 octane   JET Stage II --vs-- Diablo Predator 93 octane I_icon_minitimeJuly 18th 2009, 4:54 pm

Well said Mad Hatter.. The predator will do more then just auto-tune your car like the chip.. They way Matt put it is pretty damn good..

There are many different variables to be able to tune the car JUST RIGHT and get the max out of it..
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PostSubject: Re: JET Stage II --vs-- Diablo Predator 93 octane   JET Stage II --vs-- Diablo Predator 93 octane I_icon_minitime

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JET Stage II --vs-- Diablo Predator 93 octane
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