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 MOPAR really jacked the Ram with the ugly stick

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MOPAR really jacked the Ram with the ugly stick Empty
PostSubject: MOPAR really jacked the Ram with the ugly stick   MOPAR really jacked the Ram with the ugly stick I_icon_minitimeNovember 16th 2009, 7:36 pm

Was really great to hang out last Sunday, meet some new friends and check out all the rides. I spent a fair amount of time looking over the engine bays. After looking at the Cahlly, Charger and SRT8 Jeeps, I realized MOPAR really jacked my engine compartment with the ugly stick. Us RAM owners not only got stuck with the "new guy" engineer for the intake manifold (must have had a directive like put as much fins, bolt tabs and wiring hold down dealy flops as you can) but then they decided since we had soo much room, lets put all of the accessories right on top. I guess that way they hide all the ugly crap the other retards designed as nasty as they could... OK, got it out of my system, feel better now...

So - gotta give some serious thought to a LX 5.7 intake/timing cover and accessories. I know Stu sells an adapter to use the 5.7 intake but I also wanna hide the A/C, alt. etc... Guess I'll start with the bone yards to find some goodies. Does any one have a good pic of the LX 5.7 front end with the A/C, alt, PS pump etc...?
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MOPAR really jacked the Ram with the ugly stick
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