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 Remote Starter?!?

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CAMM All-Star

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PostSubject: Remote Starter?!?   Remote Starter?!? I_icon_minitimeOctober 2nd 2009, 11:32 pm

Ok, so you guys have been the best of help so far for me, and i'm sure you'll be of great assistance on this question ive got.... Im looking into getting a remote starter. Im thinking of going genuine MoPar on this one since I think there might be a conflict with my computer and computer chip key. If I went with mopar, would I be best suited to get the dealership to install it, or should i attempt to do it myself, or perhaps one of you car guru's wanted a small saturday project... If i don't need to go with mopar, which remote starter would you suggest? Im also curious if it would be possible to wire in the seat heaters with the remote starter, so that when i get the car roaring in the cold winter mornings, my seats will be nice and toasty when i place my bottom upon its suple leather...
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PostSubject: Re: Remote Starter?!?   Remote Starter?!? I_icon_minitimeOctober 3rd 2009, 1:15 am

I like the way this boy thinks. I would like to know the same question although since I don't drive my car in the winter the whole seat heater thingy I wouldn't want just the remote start so I can compete with Vic.
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PostSubject: Re: Remote Starter?!?   Remote Starter?!? I_icon_minitimeOctober 3rd 2009, 2:32 am

its a big pain in the ass for an after market remote starter. especially for the 08' and up. they have a different key. i plan on going with the dealer mopar one and also let them install it so if any problems, its under warranty!! some alarms places quoted me around $600 for the alarm and remote starter. And best buy told me 800. yea fucking right!!! i prefer the dealer myself. just my .02c
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PostSubject: Re: Remote Starter?!?   Remote Starter?!? I_icon_minitimeOctober 3rd 2009, 11:49 am

Let me talk to my guy who owns an alarm shop. I have an 06 and when he did mine I had to get an extra key (cause I only had 1). He has a locksmith that can make a key for like $80 and he programs it. $600-$800 is crazy in my mind.
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PostSubject: Re: Remote Starter?!?   Remote Starter?!? I_icon_minitimeOctober 3rd 2009, 11:58 am

Ok I just got of the phone with him, he said 08-09 are a little harder but he has the new module's to do them. $450.00 out the door, this also includes an alarm. he said he will look in to doing the seats he has never done it but he will make some calls. This guy is a really good friend of mine, I've known him 15yrs so he is no fly by night shop. He taught me how to do sounds and alarms back in the day. I tried getting the price lower but he cant cause these modules cost alot of money.
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CAMM All-Star

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PostSubject: Re: Remote Starter?!?   Remote Starter?!? I_icon_minitimeOctober 3rd 2009, 2:14 pm

Shawn1112 wrote:
Ok I just got of the phone with him, he said 08-09 are a little harder but he has the new module's to do them. $450.00 out the door, this also includes an alarm. he said he will look in to doing the seats he has never done it but he will make some calls. This guy is a really good friend of mine, I've known him 15yrs so he is no fly by night shop. He taught me how to do sounds and alarms back in the day. I tried getting the price lower but he cant cause these modules cost alot of money.

Hey Shawn that remote start and alarm that i have do you know how much he charges for just installs i have decided to keep it and just have it installed...
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CAMM Rookie

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PostSubject: Re: Remote Starter?!?   Remote Starter?!? I_icon_minitimeOctober 3rd 2009, 3:34 pm

Aftermarket isnt as difficult as some might think if you have the right parts

This is the module your going to need

It covers all lx years including the new style key. Only requires one key to program. Its also one of the easy and fastest one I have install. The only parts a pain in the ass is getting the key cylinder out on the 05-07.

As for remote starters, I have had good luck using anything audiovox makes either prestige or code alarm brand. We just started carrying crimestopper. They didnt have a very good reputation a while ago but they them to make a nice turn around.

I just recently installed crimestoppers 2 way touch screen alarm/remote starter in my car. and so far I like it I would change a few of the button layouts.


code alarm


here is what I install in my car

the module is 90% just plug and play. There is only a total of 5 wires that have to be wire in with your factory wiring
Remote Starter?!? IMG_0005

All wired up ready to get installed in the car.
Remote Starter?!? IMG_0011

The remotes
Remote Starter?!? IMG_0008

Close up of the touch remote
Remote Starter?!? IMG_0009

Im not sure about all the vendor/ selling good rules. But I can get anyone anything alarm/remote start related as cheap if not cheaper than any shop around.
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PostSubject: Re: Remote Starter?!?   Remote Starter?!? I_icon_minitimeOctober 3rd 2009, 11:49 pm

irishrt5.7 wrote:
Shawn1112 wrote:
Ok I just got of the phone with him, he said 08-09 are a little harder but he has the new module's to do them. $450.00 out the door, this also includes an alarm. he said he will look in to doing the seats he has never done it but he will make some calls. This guy is a really good friend of mine, I've known him 15yrs so he is no fly by night shop. He taught me how to do sounds and alarms back in the day. I tried getting the price lower but he cant cause these modules cost alot of money.

Hey Shawn that remote start and alarm that i have do you know how much he charges for just installs i have decided to keep it and just have it installed...
You have to give me the brand and exactly what you have. You might think you have everything, but you might not. Once I have that I can ask him
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PostSubject: Re: Remote Starter?!?   Remote Starter?!? I_icon_minitimeOctober 12th 2009, 7:50 pm

I will be keeping an eye on this thread cause I need one for my car.
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PostSubject: Re: Remote Starter?!?   Remote Starter?!? I_icon_minitime

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