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 i need a new remote for an alarm/remote start

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Location : Joliet
Points : 6364
Posts : 494
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i need a new remote for an alarm/remote start Empty
PostSubject: i need a new remote for an alarm/remote start   i need a new remote for an alarm/remote start I_icon_minitimeJanuary 12th 2010, 4:06 pm

i have a Prestige APS998 alarm/remote start and the two-way remote took a crap. I was wondering if anyone here on CAMM can get replacement ones. I called my local alarm shop and he is getting me prices also. The original remote is part # UTX, Audiovox shows on their web site part number UTXP, there is also an alternate remote part number 5BCR05P. If anyone can help it would be great.
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Location : Park Forest, IL
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i need a new remote for an alarm/remote start Empty
PostSubject: Re: i need a new remote for an alarm/remote start   i need a new remote for an alarm/remote start I_icon_minitimeFebruary 10th 2010, 6:04 am

I'm sorry that I didn't see your post until now are u still in need of a
replacement transmitter? I have a wholesale account with a car audio
supplier I can check with them about your remote.
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Location : Joliet
Points : 6364
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i need a new remote for an alarm/remote start Empty
PostSubject: Re: i need a new remote for an alarm/remote start   i need a new remote for an alarm/remote start I_icon_minitimeFebruary 10th 2010, 5:30 pm

i already ordered it and recieved it from audiovox, i will keep ya in mind for any future needs.

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PostSubject: Re: i need a new remote for an alarm/remote start   i need a new remote for an alarm/remote start I_icon_minitime

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i need a new remote for an alarm/remote start
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