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 ARIA Carbon GB

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2 posters
Mad Hatter
CAMM Member
Mad Hatter

Location : Hazel Crest, Il
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ARIA Carbon GB Empty
PostSubject: ARIA Carbon GB   ARIA Carbon GB I_icon_minitimeSeptember 8th 2009, 9:35 pm

Incase you'e not on LX or didn't see this.

Reduced from $449 to $329 until 9/20/09

I know some of you have them, just ordered them or was wishing for them.
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Founding Member
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Location : Hater Proof
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ARIA Carbon GB Empty
PostSubject: Re: ARIA Carbon GB   ARIA Carbon GB I_icon_minitimeSeptember 9th 2009, 3:52 pm

Mad Hatter wrote:
Incase you'e not on LX or didn't see this.

Reduced from $449 to $329 until 9/20/09

I know some of you have them, just ordered them or was wishing for them.
I want one really bad, but that price is half the price for a grip tuning front fascia. My next mod I hope!
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ARIA Carbon GB
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