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 Last Cinco De Mopar

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Location : Almost Wisconsin
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PostSubject: Last Cinco De Mopar   Last Cinco De Mopar I_icon_minitimeJuly 30th 2021, 9:19 am

I know I have been slacking with the updates and postings in here but just a heads up for the non Facebook people Cinco is done after this year. Last one is Saturday. If anyone wants to donate money and try to get the 10 year contribution to $30,000 the link is below.

I am not going, other plans that were in place before he had to move it from May, but if anyone is bored head down.

Date and time
Sat, July 31, 2021

8:30 AM – 4:30 PM EDT

Former Sears/Sears Auto Center @Tippecanoe Mall
2415 Sagamore Parkway South
Lafayette, IN 47905
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