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 2012-2015 Chrysler 300s Trunk Mat by Lloyd Mat donation

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CAMM All-Star

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2012-2015 Chrysler 300s Trunk Mat by Lloyd Mat donation Empty
PostSubject: 2012-2015 Chrysler 300s Trunk Mat by Lloyd Mat donation   2012-2015 Chrysler 300s Trunk Mat by Lloyd Mat donation I_icon_minitimeJuly 16th 2021, 11:02 am

Hey everyone i know it has been a crazy long time since i have been on, however i ordered a trunk mat for my 2018 Chrysler 300s with the beats audio that has the sub woofer and they sent me one with the older logo not the newer logo. well they told me to keep the one i had and sent me out a new one with the correct logo on it.

if anyone is interested in having it, i am giving it a way for free if anyone wants it. please let me know.

thanks Brian
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2012-2015 Chrysler 300s Trunk Mat by Lloyd Mat donation
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