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Chicagoland Area Modern Mopars
Joining our club forum is FREE, so please take a few minutes to register and join us in Chicagoland's best Modern Mopar club on the web!

After joining, you will not only be able to communicate with our members, but other forums will be available for viewing and posting. These include our CAMM Swap section, featuring parts and vehicles for sale in the Chicagoland area, the Knowledge Base, Off Topic Areas and much, much more.

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We openly invite you to join our online community and hope to see you posting soon!

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 CAMM in 2017

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CAMM in 2017 Empty
PostSubject: CAMM in 2017   CAMM in 2017 I_icon_minitimeNovember 28th 2016, 9:45 pm

Looking to get feedback from as many members as possible on what direction you would like to see our group head in. Suggestions for gatherings or events for next year, feedback as to why you do not attend events, how to get more interest in the forum and Facebook group. Any concerns or questions you have for the group please post them up. The mods will be meeting after the holidays in January to go over things but I would like more input then just from those 6 people and myself. If you do not want to share something publicly please feel free to email me directly at

Thanks in advance.
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