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 Need a tire shop near me asap

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Location : Bolingbrook
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Need a tire shop near me asap Empty
PostSubject: Need a tire shop near me asap   Need a tire shop near me asap I_icon_minitimeApril 21st 2015, 2:01 pm

Is there any shops near bolingbrook that can help me out. My tire already has a patch and now i have a nail in it and discount tire wont plug it and wont put it back on making me put the spare on. I really need this done today and im not buying new tires cuz they wont do it
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Need a tire shop near me asap Empty
PostSubject: Re: Need a tire shop near me asap   Need a tire shop near me asap I_icon_minitimeApril 21st 2015, 5:04 pm

i worked for discount for 15 years (quit in November). if they won't fix it there is probably a good reason (location, condition of tire, ect...).

Adam is the only person left doing tires on the forum, but i doubt he would fix it if discount won't. most quality tire shops have the same repair guidelines. you could try a shady tire shop like the Chihuahua Tire in Aurora or something if your feeling risky.

it sucks but tires are a safety issue. maybe someone on the forum has a safe good quality used tire they can give you or sell you cheap to hold you over?
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Need a tire shop near me asap Empty
PostSubject: Re: Need a tire shop near me asap   Need a tire shop near me asap I_icon_minitimeApril 21st 2015, 5:19 pm

Plug it yourself, problem solved. Very easy to do
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Need a tire shop near me asap Empty
PostSubject: Re: Need a tire shop near me asap   Need a tire shop near me asap I_icon_minitimeApril 21st 2015, 6:22 pm

I got Cassidy to do it. Some uti kid took it so I'm sure he didn't realize the 18 inch rule. I was gonna plug it myself but I didn't have anyone to put the tire back on the rim. It wasn't bad the nail was like 10 inches from the other patch. I understand they have policies they have to go by but I wasn't spending $200 dollars for a tire because of them
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Need a tire shop near me asap Empty
PostSubject: Re: Need a tire shop near me asap   Need a tire shop near me asap I_icon_minitimeApril 22nd 2015, 8:29 am

why do you think they have the policies they do? I don't think it's a ploy to sell more tires, they do that other ways, I think it's a liability issue.
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PostSubject: Re: Need a tire shop near me asap   Need a tire shop near me asap I_icon_minitimeApril 22nd 2015, 8:40 am

I know they have the rules to go by to protect themselves and the customer and im not saying that they were trying to screw me to sell a tire. I wasnt mad about that. It was the fact that he wouldnt put the tire back on the rim as it was so i could go do it myself
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PostSubject: Re: Need a tire shop near me asap   Need a tire shop near me asap I_icon_minitimeApril 22nd 2015, 4:09 pm

it's not just them and the customer they are protecting. it's everyone on the road too.

obviously i am not directly effected by this and i am not in the tire industry any more so don't take this the wrong way, but just to give you perspective on why he couldn't re mount it for you after it was deemed un repairable.

first and foremost if it's unsafe to fix it would not be safe enough for the tech to risk his safety to re mount your bad tire. tires are bombs. i have seen a couple blow near techs over the years and it is not pretty. there is more than just the customers safety the shop has liability for. besides their workers it also is a safety issue for all the other people on the road that tire can effect. say it blows out and you hit a minivan full of kids after they fix or remount the tire knowing it didn't meet the guidelines for a serviceable tire. who do you think is sued and who is injured. it's not just the guy who wanted his tire fixed it effects.

in the end they did what they could for you. they put your spare on for free when you didn't want to replace a bad tire.

yes you found a shop willing to repair the tire. i hope you trust the repair work is better than their lax guidelines. i have seen that most shops willing to have lax repair guidelines usually use gum/wax plugs and call it a day. know those dry out then let water into the belts rusting them and causing the tire to fail eventually. wax/gum plugs are supposed to be temporary to get you to a shop so they can fix it the right way.

hope you understand looking at it from a perspective other than the customer who just want's his tire fixed despite the circumstances.
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PostSubject: Re: Need a tire shop near me asap   Need a tire shop near me asap I_icon_minitime

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