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 tire manufacturers

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PostSubject: tire manufacturers   tire manufacturers I_icon_minitimeFebruary 9th 2010, 6:26 pm

does anyone know. maybe jontoad, know which tire companies are american, japanesse, european? with the economy the way it is i try to buy as much stuff made in the USA by american companies.
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PostSubject: Re: tire manufacturers   tire manufacturers I_icon_minitimeFebruary 9th 2010, 6:47 pm

the answer is hard to give as most tire companys have plants both over seas and here. some tires you think are made in america because the company was founded in america are not. some tires made by companys that you think are from japan, germany, china, ect... are sometimes made in america.

for instance there is a kumho plant right on I-55, a firestone plant in bloomington, and many michelin tires are made over seas.

you might want to read this...
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PostSubject: Re: tire manufacturers   tire manufacturers I_icon_minitimeFebruary 9th 2010, 6:52 pm

jontoad wrote:
the answer is hard to give as most tire companys have plants both over seas and here. a certain tire can be slated for production in a US plant one month and production can be moved to a japan plant 3 months later for the same exact tire. some tires you think are made in america because the company was founded in america are not. some tires made by companys that you think are from japan, germany, china, ect... are sometimes made in america.

for instance there is a kumho plant right on I-55, a firestone plant in bloomington, and many michelin tires are made over seas.

you might want to read this...
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PostSubject: Re: tire manufacturers   tire manufacturers I_icon_minitimeFebruary 9th 2010, 6:54 pm

OK obviously i thought the quote button was the edit button again for some reason. lol. just read the second post instead, i added a part in.
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Illinois Chaos
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PostSubject: Re: tire manufacturers   tire manufacturers I_icon_minitimeFebruary 9th 2010, 10:02 pm

Nitto, made in Ca., USA. Right, Jon?
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PostSubject: Re: tire manufacturers   tire manufacturers I_icon_minitimeFebruary 9th 2010, 10:55 pm

Illinois Chaos wrote:
Nitto, made in Ca., USA. Right, Jon?

"Nitto Tire North America Corperation" headquarters and plant was opened in Cypress CA around 2006. they are a division of toyo, prior to that plant they were made over seas. their parent company of toyo tires are still made overseas.
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PostSubject: Re: tire manufacturers   tire manufacturers I_icon_minitimeFebruary 10th 2010, 7:22 am

I'd love to have American-made tires on my Canadian-made car, but I'm not going to get something less suited to my needs for the sake of that.
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PostSubject: Re: tire manufacturers   tire manufacturers I_icon_minitimeFebruary 14th 2010, 1:28 pm

thanks for all the input
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PostSubject: Re: tire manufacturers   tire manufacturers I_icon_minitime

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