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 Caliper Refinish

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PostSubject: Caliper Refinish   Caliper Refinish I_icon_minitimeMarch 29th 2015, 7:50 pm

I see a couple sites where you can send in your Brembo calipers and get sent refurbished/repaired ones. Is there any place locally that does that without having to send them in and wait for new ones in return?

Is this something that a shop can do in a day or is it time consuming? They are faded and chipped in several spots, I assume from road wear...

Would love to have them looking as fresh as the day they came off the line.
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PostSubject: Re: Caliper Refinish   Caliper Refinish I_icon_minitimeMarch 29th 2015, 8:57 pm

I did mine when I was repairing/rebuilding the car couple years ago. It is not fun, but once you have the caliper off it's much easier. I wouldn't try to do them still on the car. Once I had a caliper disassembled as far as I wanted to, I used a 3M sponge type sand pad to sand them down. Then I primed it and repainted with Duplicolor kit. Then reassembled and reinstalled. I got black Brembo decals off ebay I don't have any before but here's the after.

Caliper Refinish 0211
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PostSubject: Re: Caliper Refinish   Caliper Refinish I_icon_minitimeMarch 30th 2015, 6:10 am

I have used this in the past, no need to even remove the caliper if you do the brush on application. If you do go this route, first coat or 2 will look like shit, but after 3rd coat is on and dry it looks great. Then just order decals off Ebay
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PostSubject: Re: Caliper Refinish   Caliper Refinish I_icon_minitimeMarch 30th 2015, 7:07 am

Unfortunately I do not have the space or tool needed for any type of DIY that involves removing wheels etc.

I need a shop!

GSB - those look great.
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PostSubject: Re: Caliper Refinish   Caliper Refinish I_icon_minitimeMarch 30th 2015, 7:20 pm

Thanks, I put a lot of time and effort on the car so I appreciate that. The G2 paint is great, probably better than the Duplicolor but I went with it because I only drive the car a couple dozen times a year in the summer. I didn't care about it lasting forever, hell, they still look like the picture it's been 2 years lol. Anyways if you did get G2 don't go to their website get it off amazon or ebay, much cheaper. VHT makes a nice caliper paint too. I've done a few sets of tails with their smoke paint. Nice products. Like you said though if you don't have the space your not gonna be able to do a good job with the wheel on. You don't need to remove the caliper, I did because I was doing other things. There is a good cordless 24V impact wrench at PepBoys in Lansing, can't recall who makes it but I have it.
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PostSubject: Re: Caliper Refinish   Caliper Refinish I_icon_minitime

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