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 First fundraising challenge

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PostSubject: First fundraising challenge   First fundraising challenge I_icon_minitimeNovember 9th 2014, 8:25 am

For anyone that would like to help out with our donation to Cinco.

Did you know one 20 oz bottle will hold $100 in dimes?

My challenge to all CAMM members is to fill a 20 oz bottle with as many dimes as they can. Then hand over the bottle to me by Sunday April 26th. I will do all the work of rolling them and getting them converted to cash we can hand over at Cinco.

Please feel free to do more than one. The person that collects the most dimes will be the featured car on the portal for the whole month of May, I'll do something special to showcase your car

Any questions please let me know. Other challenges will be coming.
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PostSubject: Re: First fundraising challenge   First fundraising challenge I_icon_minitimeNovember 9th 2014, 8:03 pm

Super Great Idea! I'm starting to save! cheers
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PostSubject: Re: First fundraising challenge   First fundraising challenge I_icon_minitimeNovember 20th 2014, 9:48 am

I've got dimes in a bottle. Anyone else?
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PostSubject: Re: First fundraising challenge   First fundraising challenge I_icon_minitimeNovember 20th 2014, 12:02 pm

I have dimes, nickles, quarters, and pennies in a very large bottle. But I'm using them for Jamaica!
Sorry but you asked, lol nanner
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Location : Northwest Indiana
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PostSubject: Re: First fundraising challenge   First fundraising challenge I_icon_minitimeNovember 20th 2014, 3:10 pm

I have dimes and nicks but I but those in a bowl and enjoy
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PostSubject: Re: First fundraising challenge   First fundraising challenge I_icon_minitimeNovember 20th 2014, 5:28 pm

jamesv82 wrote:
I have dimes and nicks but I but those in a bowl and enjoy
Dimes and nicks, now that's some old skool shit rite there homie
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CAMM All-Star

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PostSubject: Re: First fundraising challenge   First fundraising challenge I_icon_minitimeNovember 21st 2014, 9:23 am

Shawn1112 wrote:
jamesv82 wrote:
I have dimes and nicks but I but those in a bowl and enjoy
Dimes and nicks, now that's some old skool shit rite there homie

put that in your pipe and smoke it!!
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Location : Lafayette, Indiana
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PostSubject: Re: First fundraising challenge   First fundraising challenge I_icon_minitimeNovember 24th 2014, 8:04 am

I have a genie in a bottle, and I rock it the right way?!
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PostSubject: Re: First fundraising challenge   First fundraising challenge I_icon_minitimeJanuary 6th 2015, 8:21 am

Wow that comment, totally missed that.

So I have mine going and I have confirmation of at least two others doing them so that is a great start. Bumping this up for anyone that would like to do one as well.

If anyone cannot get the bottle to me before Cinco I am collecting from the other groups (MMA, MMOI, NWIMopar and GLMM) at Cinco and will do all the counting and verifying and cutting one big check to Zach.

Also almost done finalizing the second and last thing CAMM will be doing to raise money. Keep April 26th open and think warm thoughts!
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Location : Naperville
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PostSubject: Re: First fundraising challenge   First fundraising challenge I_icon_minitimeJanuary 6th 2015, 8:25 am

I am way too lazy to save dimes. Would handing you a check suffice?
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Location : Mundelein, IL
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PostSubject: Re: First fundraising challenge   First fundraising challenge I_icon_minitimeJanuary 6th 2015, 8:32 am

I have a bottle started, but it's hard to save dimes when you rarely ever pay cash for anything. I will do my best. I raided Will's jar of coins, little does he know. Wink
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PostSubject: Re: First fundraising challenge   First fundraising challenge I_icon_minitimeJanuary 6th 2015, 8:48 am

I am not going to turn down money for these causes. Very Happy
They are both very dear to me and I am sure almost everyone has been affected by what both causes are fighting for.

I know I appreciate anyone offering to give anything. I don't use cash a lot myself so the dimes thing is a challenge for me as well.

I am also thinking about something CAMM can donate towards the raffle Zach does so if anyone wants to make a suggestion I am open to all ideas. I know other groups do a wash bucket or something along those lines. Last year Jackie donated a lot of model Mopars on behalf of CAMM.

Thanks everyone!
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Location : Mundelein, IL
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PostSubject: Re: First fundraising challenge   First fundraising challenge I_icon_minitimeJanuary 6th 2015, 8:54 am

What if we put together a basket of homemade baked goods/snacks? Maybe some car shaped cookies or something fun like that.
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PostSubject: Re: First fundraising challenge   First fundraising challenge I_icon_minitimeJanuary 6th 2015, 6:45 pm

That's an idea. I'd have to look for cutters. You and I will have to talk if we end up doing this.
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Location : Mundelein, IL
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PostSubject: Re: First fundraising challenge   First fundraising challenge I_icon_minitimeJanuary 6th 2015, 6:57 pm

eviltrycycle wrote:
That's an idea.  I'd have to look for cutters.  You and I will have to talk if we end up doing this.

Cool Smile I'll search around for cutters too and let you know what I find.
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PostSubject: Re: First fundraising challenge   First fundraising challenge I_icon_minitimeJanuary 7th 2015, 3:00 pm

The gauntlet between the different Mopar groups has been thrown down. We have 11 people doing the challenge at least. That is way over my goal so I'm over the moon happy.

I will be doing all the counting and wrapping so all you have to do is get the bottle to me. I'm doing one for dimes, one for nickles, and one for pennies so this is open to any coin.
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Location : Naperville
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PostSubject: Re: First fundraising challenge   First fundraising challenge I_icon_minitimeJanuary 7th 2015, 5:27 pm

How do I get my beer can to you?
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CAMM All-Star

Location : Niles, Illinois
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PostSubject: Re: First fundraising challenge   First fundraising challenge I_icon_minitimeJanuary 7th 2015, 6:05 pm

can I combine coins in my bottle? or should i keep the various coin amounts seperate?
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PostSubject: Re: First fundraising challenge   First fundraising challenge I_icon_minitimeJanuary 7th 2015, 7:13 pm

I can come visit the hellcat one day Paul if you want.

Yep combine away!
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PostSubject: Re: First fundraising challenge   First fundraising challenge I_icon_minitime

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