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 brake & suspension work

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PostSubject: brake & suspension work   brake & suspension work I_icon_minitimeJuly 12th 2013, 7:32 am

my brakes feel like washboards, even when I'm driving with my foot off the brake they hum.I also need my suspension looked at, and the pink thing broke. I think I have the billet replacement, but I have to find it. if you want to take this work on, and have the facilities to do it, let me know. otherwise I'm going to go to my dealership.
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PostSubject: Re: brake & suspension work   brake & suspension work I_icon_minitimeJuly 12th 2013, 2:43 pm

Try taking it to Adam. He's the best at it. But otherwise your pads might be dragging along the rotor and the slide pins aren't greased and sliding freely. The BT Lockout piece is very easy to do most anyone can get it done with some hand tools and take about an hour in your driveway. I've done it twice to my 300 and Magnum as preventive maintenance.
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PostSubject: Re: brake & suspension work   brake & suspension work I_icon_minitimeJuly 12th 2013, 10:43 pm

I'm in Chicago but can take a look at it.
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PostSubject: Re: brake & suspension work   brake & suspension work I_icon_minitimeJuly 12th 2013, 11:19 pm

Second the suggest to have Adam perform the work he did my brakes and tension struts a little over a year ago.
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PostSubject: Re: brake & suspension work   brake & suspension work I_icon_minitimeJuly 12th 2013, 11:21 pm

Thanks ya'll.... I talked to Iguanaman today, all taken care of, I'll be making arrangements to pick up the car
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PostSubject: Re: brake & suspension work   brake & suspension work I_icon_minitime

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