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 exhaust question

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PostSubject: exhaust question   exhaust question I_icon_minitimeMay 3rd 2013, 10:22 am

There is a used cat back system listed on Milwaukee Craigslist in West Allis that says its Magnaflow but it doesnt have resonators on the back. I have never seen a system like this, do you think its Magnaflow and it says make a reasonable offer. Anybody ever seen a system like this and how much should I offer?
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PostSubject: Re: exhaust question   exhaust question I_icon_minitimeMay 3rd 2013, 10:59 am

Some people eliminate the resos to give it a louder/deeper sound. Magnaflow isnt a very loud exhaust to begin with, I had it on my Charger. Does sound really good when you open her up though. With the resos there is really no drone, not sure without them. As far as what you should offer, get more info and pics, how old is it, how many miles are on it, do they have the resos in case you want them?? That system with the resos goes for around $1000 new if I remember correctly
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PostSubject: Re: exhaust question   exhaust question I_icon_minitimeMay 3rd 2013, 3:30 pm

I have Tom's old magnaflow with rear resonators and it droans a lot. It used to be only between 1300 and 1450 rpm, but since the camshaft swap it's just about all the time under 2k rpm. I know he almost gave it to me, but I don't remember the price, maybe 400. Shoot him a low ball offer and see if they bite. It has a really deep rumble, but I'm not going to be sneaking up on anyone with it.

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PostSubject: Re: exhaust question   exhaust question I_icon_minitimeMay 3rd 2013, 6:34 pm

funkpolice wrote:
I have Tom's old magnaflow with rear resonators and it droans a lot. It used to be only between 1300 and 1450 rpm, but since the camshaft swap it's just about all the time under 2k rpm. I know he almost gave it to me, but I don't remember the price, maybe 400. Shoot him a low ball offer and see if they bite. It has a really deep rumble, but I'm not going to be sneaking up on anyone with it.

6.1 vs 5.7, even with headers mine wasnt that loud and had no drone.
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PostSubject: Re: exhaust question   exhaust question I_icon_minitime

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