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 A sincere Thank You to CAMM

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3 posters
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PostSubject: A sincere Thank You to CAMM   A sincere Thank You to CAMM I_icon_minitimeApril 12th 2013, 4:02 pm

I just wanted to write to everyone here and thank you all for the love and support, not to mention the generosity in giving to Nick's Education Fund. I feel so lucky to be able to call you all my family. You really are.

I can't believe it has been over a month now. I still can't seem to get my head around it all. Nick and I are doing pretty good for the most part, some good days, some bad. I know in time it will heal somewhat but I know that he will be missed by many more than just me. He touched so many lives in his short 41 years and I have to think that he is still with us somehow taking care of all of us.

I may not be on here all the time but please don't forget about me. I'm trying to keep myself busy with work and doing things with people when they ask, so don't stop asking, please.

Love you all,
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PostSubject: Re: A sincere Thank You to CAMM   A sincere Thank You to CAMM I_icon_minitimeApril 12th 2013, 4:42 pm

Is it okay if I start calling you at 4:30am when I get up for work, just to tell you I havent forgot about you, lol.
Your in good hands with the Camm fam, and Vic is watching over all of us.
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PostSubject: Re: A sincere Thank You to CAMM   A sincere Thank You to CAMM I_icon_minitimeApril 12th 2013, 9:31 pm

We are going to drag you all over the place this summer, you might get sick of us!

hugs to you both
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PostSubject: Re: A sincere Thank You to CAMM   A sincere Thank You to CAMM I_icon_minitime

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A sincere Thank You to CAMM
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