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 fender rolling

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PostSubject: fender rolling   fender rolling I_icon_minitimeMarch 17th 2012, 7:24 pm

well I comitted to buy the set of bogart wheels and m/h tires on lxforums. the seller says he doesn't have any rubbing issues, but he has rolled fenders. so, in the event that I need to roll my fenders to make this setup work, is there anyone here that know what they are doing and would give me a hand? i'm a metal fabricator, so I'm pretty sure I can handle it, but I'm concerned about the heating of the paint. these are m&h 390 tires on a 17Xwheel. Hopefully I don't have any problems and rolling is not needed. Is this something that could be addresses at the mod night? oh, and happy st. pattricks day. drunk.
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PostSubject: Re: fender rolling   fender rolling I_icon_minitimeMarch 17th 2012, 9:07 pm

I've never done it, but I know Jontoad had to roll his fenders to fit those MONSTER size tires he's rollin on lol
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PostSubject: Re: fender rolling   fender rolling I_icon_minitimeMarch 17th 2012, 9:22 pm

lol. Adam. yea... we kinda had to do it by necessity and.... shall we say did not have the proper tools when we rolled and pulled my fenders. it came out great though.

honestly if i had the Eastwood roller that bolts on the hub it would be a breeze with a heat gun.
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PostSubject: Re: fender rolling   fender rolling I_icon_minitime

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