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 Camm club on LXforums

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4 posters
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PostSubject: Camm club on LXforums   Camm club on LXforums I_icon_minitimeJanuary 25th 2012, 11:50 am

all you LXfourms users i added CAMM to the clubs section of the new "Garage" feature, so you can show your CAMM affiliation on your Garage wall. somehow I put my email in for the club though... gonna have to get that changed somehow... oh well.

the new LXforums takes a little getting used to but the Garage feature is really cool.
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PostSubject: Re: Camm club on LXforums   Camm club on LXforums I_icon_minitimeJanuary 25th 2012, 1:20 pm

I was on this morning at wasnt liking it.
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Founding Member
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PostSubject: Re: Camm club on LXforums   Camm club on LXforums I_icon_minitimeJanuary 25th 2012, 1:24 pm

i hated it at first. after using it last night and today its a better setup. its just not what I'm used to. the colors take getting used to also. it just looks all wrong at the moment. there is a lot of stuff that is still being fixed. just now i was able to upload images to the garage finally. a lot of links and stuff on the site are being tweaked still.
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Illinois Chaos
CAMM All-Star
Illinois Chaos

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PostSubject: Re: Camm club on LXforums   Camm club on LXforums I_icon_minitimeJanuary 25th 2012, 1:58 pm

Yeah, it's different. Thats ok, I'm getting a little tired of the rah rah club. They set up there racing between the east coast and fla.
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PostSubject: Re: Camm club on LXforums   Camm club on LXforums I_icon_minitimeJanuary 25th 2012, 3:42 pm

It is gonna take some time to get used to the change but I do like the garage feature they have one over on challengerlife although the rest of that site blows Smile
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PostSubject: Re: Camm club on LXforums   Camm club on LXforums I_icon_minitime

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