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Chicagoland Area Modern Mopars
Joining our club forum is FREE, so please take a few minutes to register and join us in Chicagoland's best Modern Mopar club on the web!

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 Club's Listing on Mopar "Find a Club"

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CAMM Member

Location : Elmhurst, IL
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PostSubject: Club's Listing on Mopar "Find a Club"   Club's Listing on Mopar "Find a Club" I_icon_minitimeAugust 25th 2015, 1:19 pm

I just checked our club's listing on and found that the link to our Facebook page is wrong. I'm also not sure if the E-mail link is current either. Can somebody that has administrative privileges check the E-mail link and make the appropriate corrections?
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Founding Member
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PostSubject: Re: Club's Listing on Mopar "Find a Club"   Club's Listing on Mopar "Find a Club" I_icon_minitimeAugust 26th 2015, 2:26 pm

Crystal slacking again, WTF! Jk
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PostSubject: Re: Club's Listing on Mopar "Find a Club"   Club's Listing on Mopar "Find a Club" I_icon_minitimeAugust 26th 2015, 3:17 pm

OMG they finally added us, only took sending it 4 times. Will get FB updated. The email address is correct.
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Location : Northwest Indiana
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PostSubject: Re: Club's Listing on Mopar "Find a Club"   Club's Listing on Mopar "Find a Club" I_icon_minitimeAugust 27th 2015, 10:22 am

Man, some times it's just the Sacagawea way of life I guess.

(Sometimes she's on her toes and other times its, oh well.)
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PostSubject: Re: Club's Listing on Mopar "Find a Club"   Club's Listing on Mopar "Find a Club" I_icon_minitime

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Club's Listing on Mopar "Find a Club"
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