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 gotta love facebook sometimes...

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PostSubject: gotta love facebook sometimes...   gotta love facebook sometimes... I_icon_minitimeOctober 30th 2011, 8:12 pm

i just had to share this. (this is my computer nerd cousin BTW.)

Quote :
Erin EricksonIf I actually get to sleep tonight, the neighbor better not wake me up with one of his 4am joyrides in his super loud whiny car. When my car makes a noise like that, I take it in for SERVICE. This guy apparently likes the way his car LITERALLY SQUEALS "I'm trying too hard to be cool!" I'm also not sure how two people need five cars?!? We have one. One. Car. FIVE? Ugh! Why did you buy a townhouse with a 2 car garage if you need five cars?
Like · · 25 minutes ago ·

Erin Erickson Here I found a video from someone who has the same car with the same noise - maybe Jonathan Horyn or someone can tell me why these make this horribly loud whiny noise? Why would this guy sit and rev the thing and let it whistle like this in our driveway at all hours of the night?! I like rumbly cars, I like fast cars - we used to have a Grand Prix GTP. It never made a noise that would startle you awake like this car does.

11 minutes ago · Like

Jonathan Horyn supercharger.
6 minutes ago · Like

Erin Erickson OK But our GTP had a supercharger and it never sounded like this. I'm telling you this thing even wakes up my neighbors who live on the other side of the street. I get to share a driveway with this guy. I probably wouldn't mind if they weren't completely inconsiderate neighbors in general, but seriously. It sounds like a jet engine.
5 minutes ago · Like

Jonathan Horyn your gtp had a different kind of supercharger that was quiet. this one has a vortech T trim or something
5 minutes ago · Like

Erin Erickson OK. I really wanted to go over there and be like "dude, your car is broken"
4 minutes ago · Like

Jonathan Horyn sorry he drives it at dumb times of day. you know both my cars are loud but if i come home late i drive down the street as quiet as possible. i have never had a neighbor complain to me. obviously this guy doesn't care.
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gotta love facebook sometimes... Empty
PostSubject: Re: gotta love facebook sometimes...   gotta love facebook sometimes... I_icon_minitimeOctober 30th 2011, 8:28 pm

punish lol! owned
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gotta love facebook sometimes... Empty
PostSubject: Re: gotta love facebook sometimes...   gotta love facebook sometimes... I_icon_minitimeOctober 31st 2011, 8:05 pm

it looks like a supercharger which is cool... but it sound like it broken... lol
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gotta love facebook sometimes... Empty
PostSubject: Re: gotta love facebook sometimes...   gotta love facebook sometimes... I_icon_minitimeNovember 1st 2011, 10:26 am

lol naa that is how they sound when you get a big centrifugal supercharger... the gtp has a positive displacement supercharger totally different beast...
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gotta love facebook sometimes... Empty
PostSubject: Re: gotta love facebook sometimes...   gotta love facebook sometimes... I_icon_minitimeNovember 1st 2011, 5:36 pm

irishrt5.7 wrote:
lol naa that is how they sound when you get a big centrifugal supercharger... the gtp has a positive displacement supercharger totally different beast...

hahaaha this sounds like something you dug up in google lol......
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gotta love facebook sometimes... Empty
PostSubject: Re: gotta love facebook sometimes...   gotta love facebook sometimes... I_icon_minitimeNovember 1st 2011, 10:18 pm

no way i have had a couple superchargers in my time... loved my gtp... believe it or not its a fast fucking car...
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Illinois Chaos
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gotta love facebook sometimes... Empty
PostSubject: Re: gotta love facebook sometimes...   gotta love facebook sometimes... I_icon_minitimeNovember 2nd 2011, 8:59 am

Might be a procharger. They sound like a jet and like something is going to fall off it.
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gotta love facebook sometimes... Empty
PostSubject: Re: gotta love facebook sometimes...   gotta love facebook sometimes... I_icon_minitimeNovember 2nd 2011, 3:20 pm

Lol I'm just messin with you Brian. They sure are fast my friend had a 99 GTP with a forged block n if I'm correct he had A 2.8L whipple custom fitted from a mustang cobra
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PostSubject: Re: gotta love facebook sometimes...   gotta love facebook sometimes... I_icon_minitimeNovember 2nd 2011, 8:55 pm

Illinois Chaos wrote:
Might be a procharger. They sound like a jet and like something is going to fall off it.

I'm pretty sure it's a vortech T-trim. i don't think i have ever heard a pro charger sound that loud.

which vortech head unit do you have Tom? an S-trim?
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PostSubject: Re: gotta love facebook sometimes...   gotta love facebook sometimes... I_icon_minitime

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