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 Labor Day 4-Day Blowout

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2 posters
Supporting Vendor

Location : Holly, Michigan
Points : 5502
Posts : 187
Reputation : 14

Labor Day 4-Day Blowout Empty
PostSubject: Labor Day 4-Day Blowout   Labor Day 4-Day Blowout I_icon_minitimeSeptember 2nd 2011, 7:51 am

Here is what we have cooking for you guys and gals.

1. 3.5L Engine Covers - $285
2. Half Covers - $75
3. 3.5 Intakes - $175
4. 3.6 Intakes - $240

If you want something else - Take 10% off your total order using coupon code "3G-LABORDAY-2011"

Click the link below for more details or PM me.

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Supporting Vendor

Location : Holly, Michigan
Points : 5502
Posts : 187
Reputation : 14

Labor Day 4-Day Blowout Empty
PostSubject: Re: Labor Day 4-Day Blowout   Labor Day 4-Day Blowout I_icon_minitimeSeptember 5th 2011, 7:56 am

Last Day bounce
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Supporting Vendor

Location : Holly, Michigan
Points : 5502
Posts : 187
Reputation : 14

Labor Day 4-Day Blowout Empty
PostSubject: Re: Labor Day 4-Day Blowout   Labor Day 4-Day Blowout I_icon_minitimeSeptember 17th 2011, 8:57 am

Hey we extended this sale until tomorrow so don't miss out Very Happy
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CAMM All-Star

Location : L.I.T.H.
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Labor Day 4-Day Blowout Empty
PostSubject: Re: Labor Day 4-Day Blowout   Labor Day 4-Day Blowout I_icon_minitimeSeptember 18th 2011, 9:16 am

Having a shaker, I can't do any of these. Sad
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Labor Day 4-Day Blowout Empty
PostSubject: Re: Labor Day 4-Day Blowout   Labor Day 4-Day Blowout I_icon_minitime

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Labor Day 4-Day Blowout
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