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 Dave and Busters Event - Okie5.7's going away/ welcome to new members

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Dave and Busters Event - Okie5.7's going away/ welcome to new members Empty
PostSubject: Dave and Busters Event - Okie5.7's going away/ welcome to new members   Dave and Busters Event - Okie5.7's going away/ welcome to new members I_icon_minitimeMarch 18th 2011, 1:29 am

We want to send Nick and his family off the right way to Texas so please come out and join us for a fun night.

Date: Saturday April 16th
Time: 7:00 PM

Location: 1155 N. Swift Addison, IL 60101

Contact phone: send me an email or pm for my cell number

Will have a reserved spot for 2 hours. Walk the door head towards the bar and look to the left and you will see where we are.

There are two pool tables and one shuffle board table in the area we are going to be in. We also have the option of buying power cards that night.

The only deal is we have to have a tab of at least $200 that is going to be put on one card. I am sure with food and drinks we will be able to do that. We will be able to pick from the regular menu for food and drinks. I would like to ask if people can bring cash to cover their food and drink that would be awesome.

They would need a min of 20 people but we can get the same deal for less. Your families are more then welcome to come. Please post up if you are in for sure just so I can get an idea of who all is coming.

Looking forward to seeing everyone.

Last edited by eviltrycycle on April 3rd 2011, 10:15 pm; edited 3 times in total
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CAMM All-Star

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Dave and Busters Event - Okie5.7's going away/ welcome to new members Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dave and Busters Event - Okie5.7's going away/ welcome to new members   Dave and Busters Event - Okie5.7's going away/ welcome to new members I_icon_minitimeMarch 18th 2011, 5:00 am

Hate to be a bother but I wont be in town on this day cause I will be in San Antonio closing on my new home. the next weekend is good for me.
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Dave and Busters Event - Okie5.7's going away/ welcome to new members Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dave and Busters Event - Okie5.7's going away/ welcome to new members   Dave and Busters Event - Okie5.7's going away/ welcome to new members I_icon_minitimeMarch 18th 2011, 9:23 am

$200 isnt shit, I can drink that in 3hrs,lol
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Dave and Busters Event - Okie5.7's going away/ welcome to new members Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dave and Busters Event - Okie5.7's going away/ welcome to new members   Dave and Busters Event - Okie5.7's going away/ welcome to new members I_icon_minitimeMarch 18th 2011, 1:50 pm

Date changed.
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Dave and Busters Event - Okie5.7's going away/ welcome to new members Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dave and Busters Event - Okie5.7's going away/ welcome to new members   Dave and Busters Event - Okie5.7's going away/ welcome to new members I_icon_minitimeMarch 19th 2011, 9:35 pm

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CAMM All-Star

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Dave and Busters Event - Okie5.7's going away/ welcome to new members Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dave and Busters Event - Okie5.7's going away/ welcome to new members   Dave and Busters Event - Okie5.7's going away/ welcome to new members I_icon_minitimeMarch 19th 2011, 9:42 pm

16th I am good for! See you all there!
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Dave and Busters Event - Okie5.7's going away/ welcome to new members Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dave and Busters Event - Okie5.7's going away/ welcome to new members   Dave and Busters Event - Okie5.7's going away/ welcome to new members I_icon_minitimeMarch 19th 2011, 9:44 pm

Crystal, can u try to get are own parking?
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Illinois Chaos
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Illinois Chaos

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Dave and Busters Event - Okie5.7's going away/ welcome to new members Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dave and Busters Event - Okie5.7's going away/ welcome to new members   Dave and Busters Event - Okie5.7's going away/ welcome to new members I_icon_minitimeMarch 19th 2011, 10:15 pm

Glad the date was changed. I can make this one. I'll be just home from Vegas and the first IMSM race of the year is the following day at Great Lakes. Maybe we can all continue the goodbye party and slide on over to watch this. Believe me it will be a must see event. Tim will be racing his new car in Wisconsin, after debuting it in Vegas. Tim says he will dial it in at Vegas to 8.50 for IMSM. Means he will de-tune it. It's so fast he took out the NOS.System. I saw it yesterday and it is in the middle of being air brushed. 12 days at 10 hrs. per day. I have never seen anything as awesome looking as this car. There are certain parts of it that will GLOW in the dark. It really reminds me of a Funny Car paint scheme in a way. It's very very involved and intricate beyond belief. The new name of Tims race car is LOCO CHALLENGER!!!
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Dave and Busters Event - Okie5.7's going away/ welcome to new members Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dave and Busters Event - Okie5.7's going away/ welcome to new members   Dave and Busters Event - Okie5.7's going away/ welcome to new members I_icon_minitimeMarch 20th 2011, 9:14 pm

What time are kids alowed in there till? I thought kids had to be out by a certain time???
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Dave and Busters Event - Okie5.7's going away/ welcome to new members Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dave and Busters Event - Okie5.7's going away/ welcome to new members   Dave and Busters Event - Okie5.7's going away/ welcome to new members I_icon_minitimeMarch 20th 2011, 9:16 pm

Word of advice, drinks are not cheap here. You might want to get your drink on a little bit before you come. I only live about 20 minutes away, so your more than welcome to come over before hand and slam some beers.
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Dave and Busters Event - Okie5.7's going away/ welcome to new members Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dave and Busters Event - Okie5.7's going away/ welcome to new members   Dave and Busters Event - Okie5.7's going away/ welcome to new members I_icon_minitimeMarch 20th 2011, 9:52 pm

Shawn1112 wrote:
What time are kids alowed in there till? I thought kids had to be out by a certain time???

The rules vary by each place the site does not say but I have that question out to the chick helping me out.
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Dave and Busters Event - Okie5.7's going away/ welcome to new members Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dave and Busters Event - Okie5.7's going away/ welcome to new members   Dave and Busters Event - Okie5.7's going away/ welcome to new members I_icon_minitimeMarch 30th 2011, 7:34 pm

Cancelled having mod night instead.

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Dave and Busters Event - Okie5.7's going away/ welcome to new members Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dave and Busters Event - Okie5.7's going away/ welcome to new members   Dave and Busters Event - Okie5.7's going away/ welcome to new members I_icon_minitime

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Dave and Busters Event - Okie5.7's going away/ welcome to new members
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