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 cat's or "no" cat's

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PostSubject: cat's or "no" cat's   cat's or "no" cat's I_icon_minitimeOctober 8th 2010, 1:47 pm

Who has removed there cat. converters ???????????????????????????
And if so any problems since then........
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Location : Chicago, IL
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PostSubject: Re: cat's or "no" cat's   cat's or "no" cat's I_icon_minitimeOctober 8th 2010, 2:14 pm

You just get the P0420 code for cat efficiency code, you can have anti-foulers that might get rid of the code and you can pass emissions.
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Location : Chicago, IL
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PostSubject: Re: cat's or "no" cat's   cat's or "no" cat's I_icon_minitimeOctober 8th 2010, 2:25 pm

I remember deeper, airy tone with a flowmaster setup. But otherwise nothing else bad to report aside from emissions if you don't pass.
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PostSubject: Re: cat's or "no" cat's   cat's or "no" cat's I_icon_minitimeOctober 8th 2010, 8:11 pm

I kept the suitcase in the middle and removed the reso's for now and it sounds pretty good until I get the flowmasters next year.I paid $120.00 to have them removed and KN 4inch chrome tips added looks nice too.
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Location : Plainfield
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PostSubject: Re: cat's or "no" cat's   cat's or "no" cat's I_icon_minitimeOctober 8th 2010, 10:37 pm

I dont run cats and have had no problems.
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PostSubject: Re: cat's or "no" cat's   cat's or "no" cat's I_icon_minitimeOctober 9th 2010, 5:39 am

Do catless midpipes come with the bungs to put the O2 sensors? If thats the case and I wont get any codes, I just had my emissions test this year so I got 2 years till the next one and wouldnt mine running catless.
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PostSubject: Re: cat's or "no" cat's   cat's or "no" cat's I_icon_minitime

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