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 Nine Years

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PostSubject: Nine Years   Nine Years I_icon_minitimeJune 3rd 2018, 3:53 pm

Little late with my post but wanted to get it wrote right.  So nine years ago a forum was created, it was a place for the misfits to gather.   That forum grew into the CAMM we all know today, people have come and gone, but the message has always been the same, “Come for the Cars, Stay for the People.”

I was not there at the beginning of this all but I am humbled and honored that I have been allowed to think I am “in charge” for the last nine years.  This is a village, plain and simple, we all are what makes CAMM up and what makes it what it is today.

I thank each and every one of you that have been a part of this group, be it one day or more than nine years.  Being a part of this group has led me to places I never thought I would have been able to go and to meet people that I cannot picture my life without.

There are times I second guess my decisions and the direction I am taking the group in but thankfully people are willing to voice opinions to me in constructive ways and it snaps me back.  I am thankful for every person that has taken the time out to view the forum, join the Facebook group, like the Facebook page, come to an event, or bought a shirt/hat/ decal.

I hope to keep CAMM around for a long time and with people like you all it should be an easy thing to do.  I have a great pack of mods that keep me in check and put up with me, Jon, Krystn, Jackie, Shawn, James, Joey, and Eric, no way I can thank you for all that you do for this group.

So cheers to many more years of having awesome cars and great people around!
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Location : Mundelein, IL
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PostSubject: Re: Nine Years   Nine Years I_icon_minitimeJune 3rd 2018, 5:16 pm

This group has seriously changed my life with friendships that will never be broken. I'm proud to be a part of it and honored that I am able to contribute to it's success.
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PostSubject: Re: Nine Years   Nine Years I_icon_minitimeJune 4th 2018, 12:28 pm

Damn, 9 years has flown by. Seems like yesterday Matt texted or emailed me to check out the forum.
Iirc I was the first to sign up besides Matt......and guess what fuckers, I will be the last to leave lol.

All BS aside, I have made some incredible friends because of CAMM. People I could not see myself hanging out with like 15 years ago. Nothing against anyone, I just grew up differently than 99% of people on CAMM. Even Tammy was surprised that after I hung out a few times that I continued to hang out even before CAMM started, lol. She gets a long with anyone and everyone so for her it was no big deal. This shit is contagious as well, as my kids Taylor and Brandon both drive Mopars and I didnt even have to force them to buy Mopars, lol. It's their money they coulda bought whatever they wanted.

I know its probably impossible but would love to get some of the OG's of Camm together with the members now for dinner and drinks. Shit I would host it if need be. Stories would be endless, lol
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PostSubject: Re: Nine Years   Nine Years I_icon_minitimeJune 5th 2018, 7:20 am

I have wanted to do the same Shawn. We will talk.
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PostSubject: Re: Nine Years   Nine Years I_icon_minitimeJune 6th 2018, 3:04 pm

For me it's been a great time, 6 years and counting, the people we met and continue to meet are great. I'm sure we wouldn't have met them without this one thing in common.

To everyone that is on here keep up the work, keep coming out to shows and this will never end.

A great big thanks to the big cheese Crystal and all that you do for the group. THANK YOU, for putting up with all of us.
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Location : Chitown western burbs
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PostSubject: Re: Nine Years   Nine Years I_icon_minitimeAugust 29th 2018, 3:24 am

We are glad to have ya!! Are we doing any cruise nights soon?
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PostSubject: Re: Nine Years   Nine Years I_icon_minitimeAugust 29th 2018, 2:19 pm

Lots of stuff unfortunately most people are on FB there is a CAMM Page and Group. I just keep this place around for the ones that cannot control themselves on the social medias..... lol
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CAMM All-Star

Location : Wisconsin
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PostSubject: Re: Nine Years   Nine Years I_icon_minitimeAugust 29th 2018, 7:50 pm

I might not have been around much the past few years but keep with the modern Mopar lifestyle. Think I was in the teens of people to sign up and so glad I did. Kinda funny I started with a Torred Challenger and 9 years later in back with a Torred Challenger
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Location : Oak Park
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PostSubject: Re: Nine Years   Nine Years I_icon_minitimeAugust 30th 2018, 7:20 pm

eviltrycycle wrote:
Lots of stuff unfortunately most people are on FB there is a CAMM Page and Group.  I just keep this place around for the ones that cannot control themselves on the social medias.....  lol

I thought Facebook was all fake news and operated by the KGB! nanner
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Founding Member
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PostSubject: Re: Nine Years   Nine Years I_icon_minitimeAugust 31st 2018, 1:36 pm

LuvMusic wrote:
eviltrycycle wrote:
Lots of stuff unfortunately most people are on FB there is a CAMM Page and Group.  I just keep this place around for the ones that cannot control themselves on the social medias.....  lol

I thought Facebook was all fake news and operated by the KGB!  nanner
Its worse than that.....its the devil
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PostSubject: Re: Nine Years   Nine Years I_icon_minitime

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