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 Shirts and hoodies round 2

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PostSubject: Shirts and hoodies round 2   Shirts and hoodies round 2 I_icon_minitimeSeptember 12th 2017, 9:17 pm

We have to get a minimum of 48 (mix of shirts and hoodies) or we CANNOT ORDER.

To order I need you to email me at with the following information. If you message me or post it to this thread, NOPE. I have a tracking system that I use and email is my preferred method of contact. #respecttheOCD

Your Name
What you are ordering (shift, hoodie (zip or pullover) and number of each)
Color (Please Please PLEASE pick a color that works with the decal)

Sorry no kid sizes because of the decal it would be a whole different order due to having to adjust the decal, buy them a small they are growing anyway right? Tanks are still nah because the sizes they can get only go up to 2XL and I know that will not work. Will keep trying though.

Sizes Available:
Shirt Adult Small, Medium, Large, X-Large, 2X- Large, 3X-Large, 4X- Large, 5X-Large, and 6X- Large
Hoodies (Pullover or Zip Up, please specify)
Adult Small, Medium, Large, X-Large, 2X- Large, 3X-Large, 4X- Large, and 5X- Large

Link to the shirt colors, I need the full name, you can get the name by hovering over the color. Do not just say blue, or red, or grey or I will order it in baby pink, need the actual name.

Shirt Pricing
Small, Medium, Large, and XL are $15 a piece
2XL, 3XL, 4XL, 5XL, and 6XL are $20 a piece

Link to the hoodie colors, again I need the actual name.
Pull over -
Zip up -

Hoodie Pricing
Small, Medium, Large, and XL are $25 a piece
2XL, 3XL, 4X, and 5XL are $30 a piece

Again please pick a color that works with the logo, pick your color at your own risk. If you are on the fence about a color post it up and we can see if it was ordered last time and we can try to get you a picture.

I will then keep track of all the orders and once we get to 48 I will let you know how to send the money. Once ordering is closed I should have the shirts within a week.
My goal is to have them at the Superdawg event in October for people to pick them up but it is going to be very close.

I would like to keep mailing things to a minimum but if there is no way you can pick them up at some point I will mail. If you are going to need them mailed please also send me your zip code so I can figure in your shipping cost.

Whatever money is left over after the shirts and hoodies are paid for is rolled right back into the club. Will go towards the expenses of the anniversary picnic in June of next year.

Orders can be emailed from now through Tuesday, September 26th. If we get the minimum I will send out emails as soon as we hit it. I would like to order by Friday, September 29th so payment will be expected right away once the emails go out. The longer it takes to place the order the better chance I won't have them by Superdawg.

If we do not get 48 but are close I will figure something out. If we are way off from 48 then we will have to hold off ordering until we can get to that amount.

Questions please let me know.

Mock up of the t-shirt, hoodie will be the same design.

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PostSubject: Re: Shirts and hoodies round 2   Shirts and hoodies round 2 I_icon_minitimeSeptember 13th 2017, 3:21 pm

Let me know if we fall a few short, I will order a few more to make it happen.
Might get a hoodie anyways
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PostSubject: Re: Shirts and hoodies round 2   Shirts and hoodies round 2 I_icon_minitimeSeptember 13th 2017, 8:39 pm

We are already at 18 and I am getting 2 to give to someone so its looking like it might happen. Will keep you posted.
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PostSubject: Re: Shirts and hoodies round 2   Shirts and hoodies round 2 I_icon_minitimeSeptember 19th 2017, 9:49 am

We are at 48. Orders are open until the 29th then I am shutting it down and placing the order.
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PostSubject: Re: Shirts and hoodies round 2   Shirts and hoodies round 2 I_icon_minitimeSeptember 28th 2017, 6:56 pm

Last call order going in tomorrow.
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PostSubject: Re: Shirts and hoodies round 2   Shirts and hoodies round 2 I_icon_minitimeSeptember 29th 2017, 3:20 pm

Orders placed. I will have everything by Thursday of next week so will bring it all to Superdawg with me on Sunday.
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PostSubject: Re: Shirts and hoodies round 2   Shirts and hoodies round 2 I_icon_minitimeOctober 7th 2017, 3:25 pm

Do u have the goods?
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PostSubject: Re: Shirts and hoodies round 2   Shirts and hoodies round 2 I_icon_minitimeOctober 8th 2017, 9:31 am

Yep all sorted and loaded in the car so you can pick up if you are coming to Superdawg.
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PostSubject: Re: Shirts and hoodies round 2   Shirts and hoodies round 2 I_icon_minitimeOctober 8th 2017, 10:31 am

We will be there, probably closer to 1.
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PostSubject: Re: Shirts and hoodies round 2   Shirts and hoodies round 2 I_icon_minitime

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