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 20% Discount On Props For October

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Supporting Vendor

Location : Holly, Michigan
Points : 5509
Posts : 187
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20% Discount On Props For October Empty
PostSubject: 20% Discount On Props For October   20% Discount On Props For October I_icon_minitimeOctober 3rd 2016, 12:51 pm

20% Discount on Car Show Door, Hood and Trunk Props for the month of October

Have you ever wanted to prop your doors open but wanted to prevent kids and people from getting inside? Well we have the answer for you.

Our doors props actually “Click” into the lock mechanism to prevent someone from easily opening your door. By locking in place it also keeps wind from catching your doors and slamming it shut
or blowing it wide open.

Each prop is made from 1/8" mill finished aluminum and have a sanded finish. You can polish or paint these with very little prep work.

Props for the front doors and rear doors are sold in pairs.

Here's your chance to get your hands on one of our door, hood or trunk props. Purchase any one of our props and receive a 20% discount. When checking out use coupon code "3G-PROP20DISC-OCT16".

Details at Newsletter

20% Discount On Props For October Superbee-7_zpszpjswhxf

20% Discount On Props For October Dion-1_zpsskkawq4n

20% Discount On Props For October Synister-2_zps3svjtnf3
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20% Discount On Props For October
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