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 08 Custom RT 1 off hood

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Illinois Chaos
CAMM All-Star
Illinois Chaos

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08 Custom RT 1 off hood Empty
PostSubject: 08 Custom RT 1 off hood   08 Custom RT 1 off hood I_icon_minitimeJune 12th 2016, 12:21 pm

Hate to see it go. I really liked it. Needed to clearance the rear mounted throttle body and neck on my new build out. Custom 425 HP badges on the sides of the modified Cervini Shaker Hood Scoop. SRT graphic on the back of the hood and the Imported From Detroit graphic in front.

$500.00 takes it.

08 Custom RT 1 off hood IMG_28374663915432_zpsrmlxsr6b

08 Custom RT 1 off hood 20130704_152131_zpse7614df1

08 Custom RT 1 off hood FB_IMG_13730435520111004_zpsf50444ee
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08 Custom RT 1 off hood
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