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 Anyone have experience with Modern Muscle

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Anyone have experience with Modern Muscle Empty
PostSubject: Anyone have experience with Modern Muscle   Anyone have experience with Modern Muscle I_icon_minitimeApril 5th 2016, 9:56 pm

Hey, all. I don't post here very much, but I'd like to know if anyone here has any experience with Modern Muscle in Plainfield. I'm planning on having a Whipple installed on my '16 R/T in the next few months and I'd like to have it done locally if I could rather than drive out to Arrington or High Horse. But I also know it's not a cheap job and not an easy one, so peace of mind is really important to me and I'll make that drive if I think it's warranted.

If anyone cares to share their experience with Modern Muscle, good or bad, I'd appreciate it.

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Anyone have experience with Modern Muscle Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anyone have experience with Modern Muscle   Anyone have experience with Modern Muscle I_icon_minitimeApril 6th 2016, 2:13 pm

It's not that hard of a job and there is a few local shops who could get it done for you. How do you plan on tuning it, does the kit come with new computer with a tuning device, or do you have to order that from Diablo?

Here are a couple of shops who could get it done
Modular Powerhouse Inc
601 W Jefferson St, Rockford, Illinois
Don't have Tims number, but maybe someone else can post it

AD Motorsportz
Huntley IL
Jeremy 331-999-4999
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Anyone have experience with Modern Muscle Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anyone have experience with Modern Muscle   Anyone have experience with Modern Muscle I_icon_minitimeApril 6th 2016, 8:25 pm

John Modular is having a open house in May, if you can wait til then you can head out with us and talk to them. I second what Shawn said though, either option is a good one.

Check the calendar, the open house is on May 21st.
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Anyone have experience with Modern Muscle Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anyone have experience with Modern Muscle   Anyone have experience with Modern Muscle I_icon_minitimeApril 6th 2016, 10:45 pm

Oh, wow.  Thanks!!

I can definitely wait until May for this.  I wasn't planning on doing it until some time in July.

Shawn, to answer your question about tuning, the answer is: I don't know.  lol  I'm just starting to do research on it.  I know I'll have to either send in my PCM to Diablo to get it unlocked, or buy an after-market PCM from them.  I was thinking that I might be able to get a canned tune from them, or I could have whatever speed shop that does the install do a custom tune, if they've got a dyno.

Thanks again, guys.  Really appreciate it.  Smile
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Anyone have experience with Modern Muscle Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anyone have experience with Modern Muscle   Anyone have experience with Modern Muscle I_icon_minitimeApril 7th 2016, 9:50 am

And I'll definitely try to make it to Modular's open house next month. Thanks again for the responses.
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Anyone have experience with Modern Muscle Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anyone have experience with Modern Muscle   Anyone have experience with Modern Muscle I_icon_minitimeJuly 25th 2016, 2:52 pm

I wound up having Arrington do the install.  They're ironing out some minor knock issues via email tunes, but here are the "before" and "after" dyno results.
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Anyone have experience with Modern Muscle Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anyone have experience with Modern Muscle   Anyone have experience with Modern Muscle I_icon_minitimeJuly 25th 2016, 2:57 pm

Sorry, but I don't know why the images didn't show up. I must have done something wrong when I tried to add the attachments. Here are the rear wheel numbers from "before" and "after".

Before install:

348 HP
387 lb/ft

After install:

496 HP
469 lb/ft
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Anyone have experience with Modern Muscle Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anyone have experience with Modern Muscle   Anyone have experience with Modern Muscle I_icon_minitimeJuly 25th 2016, 3:14 pm

If you want to email the images to me I can put them in your post.

Glad you got it done! Great numbers!
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Anyone have experience with Modern Muscle Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anyone have experience with Modern Muscle   Anyone have experience with Modern Muscle I_icon_minitimeJuly 25th 2016, 3:59 pm

Congrats how much boost to get those numbers 6-7lbs?
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Anyone have experience with Modern Muscle Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anyone have experience with Modern Muscle   Anyone have experience with Modern Muscle I_icon_minitimeJuly 25th 2016, 5:09 pm

Shawn1112 wrote:
Congrats how much boost to get those numbers 6-7lbs?


8 psi. Arrington tells me that I can run that much without a forged bottom end without having to worry about it.

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Anyone have experience with Modern Muscle Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anyone have experience with Modern Muscle   Anyone have experience with Modern Muscle I_icon_minitimeJuly 26th 2016, 12:38 pm

Bercilak wrote:
Shawn1112 wrote:
Congrats how much boost to get those numbers 6-7lbs?


8 psi.  Arrington tells me that I can run that much without a forged bottom end without having to worry about it.

Your as safe as your tune is.
Highly recommend an A/F gauge if you don't already have one.
It's just an extra security blanket that doesn't cost much.
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Anyone have experience with Modern Muscle Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anyone have experience with Modern Muscle   Anyone have experience with Modern Muscle I_icon_minitimeJuly 26th 2016, 1:10 pm

You know a Scat hood would look really good on your car, to go with all that power. I have one for sale
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Anyone have experience with Modern Muscle Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anyone have experience with Modern Muscle   Anyone have experience with Modern Muscle I_icon_minitimeJuly 28th 2016, 10:43 pm

Posting for John.

Anyone have experience with Modern Muscle 13872833_10153822070179537_1731625758985036636_n

Anyone have experience with Modern Muscle 13891825_10153822070184537_3127495805796138104_n
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CAMM Rookie

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Anyone have experience with Modern Muscle Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anyone have experience with Modern Muscle   Anyone have experience with Modern Muscle I_icon_minitimeSeptember 6th 2016, 5:18 pm

Shawn1112 wrote:
You know a Scat hood would look really good on your car, to go with all that power. I have one for sale

Thanks, but I like keeping it plain Jane on the outside. It's more of a sleeper that way. That is, if any of our cars can even be called sleepers. . . lol
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Anyone have experience with Modern Muscle Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anyone have experience with Modern Muscle   Anyone have experience with Modern Muscle I_icon_minitime

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Anyone have experience with Modern Muscle
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