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 optima for charger

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PostSubject: optima for charger   optima for charger I_icon_minitimeSeptember 2nd 2009, 6:18 pm

does anybody know if there is a compatible optima battery for the lx?
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PostSubject: Re: optima for charger   optima for charger I_icon_minitimeSeptember 2nd 2009, 6:36 pm

i have an optima red top in my truck (holly shit was it expensive) but a lot of people on my truck message board hate optima and have a lot of horror stories about the battery's swelling, making noise, and failing. mine has problems on cold starts, it resets the radio and stuff, i never had that problem with even the stock battery. most of the people with problems with the battery's are people who do not drive their truck every day.

the consensus on that forum is that odyssey battery's are the top dog right now.
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PostSubject: Re: optima for charger   optima for charger I_icon_minitimeSeptember 2nd 2009, 8:50 pm

Why would you want an optima?? From my understanding people use those for loud ass systems, is there another reason for using it??
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PostSubject: Re: optima for charger   optima for charger I_icon_minitimeSeptember 2nd 2009, 9:06 pm

Shawn1112 wrote:
Why would you want an optima?? From my understanding people use those for loud ass systems, is there another reason for using it??

red tops are for hotrods. high horsepower cars that need good quality battery's for bigger motors that are hard to turn over,
and have upgraded ignition components.

yellow tops are for systems and are supposed to be isolated to run the system only if i remember correct. blue tops are deep cycle for marine apps.
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PostSubject: Re: optima for charger   optima for charger I_icon_minitimeSeptember 2nd 2009, 9:18 pm

Damn bro, didnt know they made that many different optimas.
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Solow 300
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PostSubject: Re: optima for charger   optima for charger I_icon_minitimeOctober 11th 2009, 9:35 pm

I've never had a problem with the optimas I have a yellow top in my caprice and monte carlo and my friend has a blue top in his trunk for his sounds and air ride and he hasn't had any problems either.I have a brand new red top in the garage thinking about putting it in my 300
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PostSubject: Re: optima for charger   optima for charger I_icon_minitimeNovember 9th 2009, 12:01 am

optima yellow top=Part Number: D34 (9012-021)
YellowTop®️; Deep Cycle Battery; BOXED; Group D34; Cold Crank Amps 750; Crank Amps 870; Reserve Capacity 120; Ampere Hour 55; Top Terminal; L-10 in.; W-6 7/8 in.; H-7 13/16 in.;

optima yellow top=Part Number: D31A (9051-160)
YellowTop®️; Deep Cycle Battery; BOXED; Grp. D31A; Cold Crank Amps 900; Crank Amps 1125; Res. Capacity 155; Ampere Hour 75; Top Terminal; L-12 13/16 in.; W-6.5 in.; H-9 3/8 in.;

optima red top=Part Number: 34R (9003-151)
RedTop®️; Battery; BOXED; Group 34R; Cold Crank Amps 800; Crank Amps 1000; Reserve Capacity 100; Ampere Hour 50; Top Terminal; L-10 in.; W-6 7/8 in.; H-7 13/16 in.;

From what i am finding these 3 batteries will fit the LX platform. there is no direct replacement part # for the LX through the optima website.
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PostSubject: Re: optima for charger   optima for charger I_icon_minitime

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