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 New take off wheels '15 Challenger Shaker

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5 posters
CAMM Rookie

Location : algonquin
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New take off wheels '15 Challenger Shaker  Empty
PostSubject: New take off wheels '15 Challenger Shaker    New take off wheels '15 Challenger Shaker  I_icon_minitimeNovember 18th 2015, 12:12 pm

I have a brand new set of take offs from a 2015 Challenger RT Shaker. 20" five spoke machine faced with black pockets, no TPMS sensors, perfect condition.

I can email pics to anyone that is interested.

Located in Algonquin. $590.00. I also have the new Goodyear F1 tires if anyone is interested and can break up the set of tires.
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CAMM Rookie

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New take off wheels '15 Challenger Shaker  Empty
PostSubject: Re: New take off wheels '15 Challenger Shaker    New take off wheels '15 Challenger Shaker  I_icon_minitimeNovember 18th 2015, 9:41 pm

I would be interested in seeing them.....
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CAMM Rookie

Location : algonquin
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New take off wheels '15 Challenger Shaker  Empty
PostSubject: Re: New take off wheels '15 Challenger Shaker    New take off wheels '15 Challenger Shaker  I_icon_minitimeNovember 19th 2015, 6:25 am

natedogg52 wrote:
I would be interested in seeing them.....

I will send you some pics from my phone today.
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CAMM Member

Location : Lake in the Hills
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New take off wheels '15 Challenger Shaker  Empty
PostSubject: Re: New take off wheels '15 Challenger Shaker    New take off wheels '15 Challenger Shaker  I_icon_minitimeNovember 19th 2015, 8:38 am

I would be interested,
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CAMM Rookie

Location : algonquin
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New take off wheels '15 Challenger Shaker  Empty
PostSubject: Re: New take off wheels '15 Challenger Shaker    New take off wheels '15 Challenger Shaker  I_icon_minitimeNovember 21st 2015, 5:25 am

Greyghost9 wrote:
I would be interested,

Hello, just sent pic to your email/ I live in Algonquin so you are welcome to drop by/
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CAMM Rookie

Location : algonquin
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New take off wheels '15 Challenger Shaker  Empty
PostSubject: Re: New take off wheels '15 Challenger Shaker    New take off wheels '15 Challenger Shaker  I_icon_minitimeNovember 22nd 2015, 2:17 pm

weekend bump. Price reduced to $550.00
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CAMM Member

Location : Bolingbrook
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New take off wheels '15 Challenger Shaker  Empty
PostSubject: Re: New take off wheels '15 Challenger Shaker    New take off wheels '15 Challenger Shaker  I_icon_minitimeFebruary 5th 2016, 9:25 pm

Do you still have rims and tires?
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CAMM Member

Location : SRT8, Illinois
Points : 4898
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New take off wheels '15 Challenger Shaker  Empty
PostSubject: Re: New take off wheels '15 Challenger Shaker    New take off wheels '15 Challenger Shaker  I_icon_minitimeMay 10th 2016, 11:08 am

Did these wheels ever sell?
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New take off wheels '15 Challenger Shaker  Empty
PostSubject: Re: New take off wheels '15 Challenger Shaker    New take off wheels '15 Challenger Shaker  I_icon_minitime

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New take off wheels '15 Challenger Shaker
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