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 Passing Emissions with LT headers

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CAMM Rookie

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Passing Emissions with LT headers Empty
PostSubject: Passing Emissions with LT headers   Passing Emissions with LT headers I_icon_minitimeNovember 18th 2015, 12:05 pm

I live in McHenry County, and as I understand it, they do OBD for emissions testing. In theory, id the car does not throw any codes, passing emissions should be no problem.

However, I would like to hear from fellow members what their experience is with modified cars an passing local emissions before I go drop $$ on a set of headers, etc.

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Passing Emissions with LT headers Empty
PostSubject: Re: Passing Emissions with LT headers   Passing Emissions with LT headers I_icon_minitimeNovember 18th 2015, 5:22 pm

do you throw no codes because your 02 monitors are turned off in your tune? or do you throw no codes with the 02 monitors still functioning in the tune?

if it is the first one i mentioned you won't pass, if it is the second one i mentioned you will pass.
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CAMM Rookie

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Passing Emissions with LT headers Empty
PostSubject: Re: Passing Emissions with LT headers   Passing Emissions with LT headers I_icon_minitimeNovember 19th 2015, 6:17 am

jontoad wrote:
do you throw no codes because your 02 monitors are turned off in your tune? or do you throw no codes with the 02 monitors still functioning in the tune?

if it is the first one i mentioned you won't pass, if it is the second one i mentioned you will pass.

Interesting. In that case, maybe the Kooks with their green cats are the way to go.

Based on what you describe, it sounds like the OBD test would reveal the O2 sensors being turned off, which as I understand it is common to prevent CEL's.
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Passing Emissions with LT headers Empty
PostSubject: Re: Passing Emissions with LT headers   Passing Emissions with LT headers I_icon_minitimeNovember 19th 2015, 11:24 am

You can get an emissions tune that will allow you to pass. Had them on my Jeep SRT and passed, I know a couple of jeep srt guys that passed with no cats and had a turbo on their rigs.
I know a shop in Huntley that can do the install, just texted him and asking for a price
Make sure you use OEM gaskets not the shit box aftermarket ones.
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CAMM Rookie

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Passing Emissions with LT headers Empty
PostSubject: Re: Passing Emissions with LT headers   Passing Emissions with LT headers I_icon_minitimeNovember 19th 2015, 3:01 pm

Shawn1112 wrote:
You can get an emissions tune that will allow you to pass. Had them on my Jeep SRT and passed, I know a couple of jeep srt guys that passed with no cats and had a turbo on their rigs.
I know a shop in Huntley that can do the install, just texted him and asking for a price
Make sure you use OEM gaskets not the shit box aftermarket ones.

That's great, thanks! They are literally down the street from me.
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Passing Emissions with LT headers Empty
PostSubject: Re: Passing Emissions with LT headers   Passing Emissions with LT headers I_icon_minitimeNovember 19th 2015, 3:21 pm

Talk to Adam or Jeremy, let them know your a friend of mine and they will take care of you
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CAMM Rookie

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Passing Emissions with LT headers Empty
PostSubject: Re: Passing Emissions with LT headers   Passing Emissions with LT headers I_icon_minitimeNovember 21st 2015, 5:56 pm

Shawn1112 wrote:
Talk to Adam or Jeremy, let them know your a friend of mine and they will take care of you

Can't thank you enough!
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PostSubject: Re: Passing Emissions with LT headers   Passing Emissions with LT headers I_icon_minitime

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