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 2nd gen decals back in stock

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2nd gen decals back in stock Empty
PostSubject: 2nd gen decals back in stock   2nd gen decals back in stock I_icon_minitimeNovember 16th 2015, 7:37 pm

2nd gen decals back in stock 12241627_10153278374234537_5250856477463107669_n

Just picked these up.
I have 12 of each color.
Measures 4" x 4".
$4 each.
These colors only, red, blue, and grey.

I will take cash or paypal, address is
Please send the money where the fee is not removed out and include your mailing address so I can get them out to you asap.

Any money left over from the sale of the decals will go towards buying more decals and other things for the club.

If you want a custom color I can get whatever color but you have to buy a line of 6. You can do the math. PM me if you want a custom color.
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2nd gen decals back in stock
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