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 Help How Do I ....

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Location : Calumet City
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PostSubject: Help How Do I ....   Help How Do I .... I_icon_minitimeAugust 31st 2009, 1:14 pm

Awhile back I posted about my headunit which works fine outside of the screen illuminates spuradically (sp)

When the unit is out of the car and powered by a battery or jump-pack the screen works flawlessly everytime.
However, when installed in my car, it works sometimes, other times it doesn't.

The tech from the company I purchased the unit from said it has to be grounded with a good connection to the battery. After careful thought, I'm inclined to believe this may resolve my issues.

But then my question is how would I do this? All of you electronic gurus and techies, what do you think? Could this just be a special installation need for this particular unit?? Do you think this will work??
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PostSubject: Re: Help How Do I ....   Help How Do I .... I_icon_minitimeAugust 31st 2009, 1:46 pm

Dalegit1 wrote:
Awhile back I posted about my headunit which works fine outside of the screen illuminates spuradically (sp)

When the unit is out of the car and powered by a battery or jump-pack the screen works flawlessly everytime.
However, when installed in my car, it works sometimes, other times it doesn't.

The tech from the company I purchased the unit from said it has to be grounded with a good connection to the battery. After careful thought, I'm inclined to believe this may resolve my issues.

But then my question is how would I do this? All of you electronic gurus and techies, what do you think? Could this just be a special installation need for this particular unit?? Do you think this will work??

You can try to run a ground and tap it into the negative side of the cig lighter on your dash.
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Location : Calumet City
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PostSubject: Re: Help How Do I ....   Help How Do I .... I_icon_minitimeAugust 31st 2009, 2:27 pm

liljoejoe54 wrote:
Dalegit1 wrote:
Awhile back I posted about my headunit which works fine outside of the screen illuminates spuradically (sp)

When the unit is out of the car and powered by a battery or jump-pack the screen works flawlessly everytime.
However, when installed in my car, it works sometimes, other times it doesn't.

The tech from the company I purchased the unit from said it has to be grounded with a good connection to the battery. After careful thought, I'm inclined to believe this may resolve my issues.

But then my question is how would I do this? All of you electronic gurus and techies, what do you think? Could this just be a special installation need for this particular unit?? Do you think this will work??

You can try to run a ground and tap it into the negative side of the cig lighter on your dash.
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Location : Calumet City
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PostSubject: Re: Help How Do I ....   Help How Do I .... I_icon_minitimeAugust 31st 2009, 2:28 pm

ok, that seem simple enough. thanks joe
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PostSubject: Re: Help How Do I ....   Help How Do I .... I_icon_minitimeAugust 31st 2009, 3:17 pm

The cig lighter ground is no different than the radio ground! What the tech is telling you is to run a seperate ground to the radio. So I would run a ground from under the dash to the radio. What you do is drive a self tapping screw into the metal bracket under the dash and run a wire from there to the radio. Like I said before I highly doubt that the ground is your problem.
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PostSubject: Re: Help How Do I ....   Help How Do I .... I_icon_minitimeAugust 31st 2009, 3:26 pm

Shawn1112 wrote:
The cig lighter ground is no different than the radio ground! What the tech is telling you is to run a seperate ground to the radio. So I would run a ground from under the dash to the radio. What you do is drive a self tapping screw into the metal bracket under the dash and run a wire from there to the radio. Like I said before I highly doubt that the ground is your problem.

Oh, i didnt know that. For my under dash/door LEDs I put the ground on a screw that is on the dash frame behind the steering wheel.
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PostSubject: Re: Help How Do I ....   Help How Do I .... I_icon_minitimeAugust 31st 2009, 3:31 pm

liljoejoe54 wrote:
Shawn1112 wrote:
The cig lighter ground is no different than the radio ground! What the tech is telling you is to run a seperate ground to the radio. So I would run a ground from under the dash to the radio. What you do is drive a self tapping screw into the metal bracket under the dash and run a wire from there to the radio. Like I said before I highly doubt that the ground is your problem.

Oh, i didnt know that. For my under dash/door LEDs I put the ground on a screw that is on the dash frame behind the steering wheel.
You can do that also, they are telling her to basically ground the radio to its own ground source. I really dont believe thats the problem!
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PostSubject: Re: Help How Do I ....   Help How Do I .... I_icon_minitime

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