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 Billet Technologies Catch Can Issue

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Billet Technologies Catch Can Issue Empty
PostSubject: Billet Technologies Catch Can Issue   Billet Technologies Catch Can Issue I_icon_minitimeDecember 10th 2014, 11:22 am

As you know I have a 5.7 Challenger and for my birthday in September I got a Billet Tech. catch can and engine half covers. The tubes for the catch can, as some of you may know, are not very pliable and the nipple for the inlet is pointed toward the fender and I cant get the tube on without kinking the hose and that wont fit under the half cover. I have seen people that have something that goes on to the nipple that turns it 90 degrees to make it easier. Does anyone have any ideas what I can do to make it fit, I want to get both the half covers and the catch can on but they have been sitting in my garage since September.
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PostSubject: Re: Billet Technologies Catch Can Issue   Billet Technologies Catch Can Issue I_icon_minitimeDecember 10th 2014, 12:04 pm

Post pics of issue, when I had my Charger with the 5.7 I had no issues with my half covers.
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Billet Technologies Catch Can Issue Empty
PostSubject: Re: Billet Technologies Catch Can Issue   Billet Technologies Catch Can Issue I_icon_minitimeDecember 10th 2014, 1:45 pm

The catch can hoses don't go underneath the half covers. Mine are sitting above the half covers. The only hose that would go under is the one for the breather for the air intake.
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PostSubject: Re: Billet Technologies Catch Can Issue   Billet Technologies Catch Can Issue I_icon_minitimeDecember 10th 2014, 5:16 pm

try these and just turn them for the direction you want...
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Billet Technologies Catch Can Issue Empty
PostSubject: Re: Billet Technologies Catch Can Issue   Billet Technologies Catch Can Issue I_icon_minitimeDecember 10th 2014, 7:12 pm

blackhemi wrote:
The catch can hoses don't go underneath the half covers.   Mine are sitting above the half covers.  The only hose that would go under is the one for the breather for the air intake.

What he said.
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PostSubject: Re: Billet Technologies Catch Can Issue   Billet Technologies Catch Can Issue I_icon_minitime

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